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Everyone had been planning for months to throw Hank a surprise birthday party, but Trudy had been planning an additional surprise for him- she wanted to invite Erin back to Chicago so Hank could see her again. She hadn't told anyone except Mouch about the plan. She had called Erin about a week ago. Everyone in Intelligence was taking Hank to Molly's, which is where his surprise party was. Trudy left work and went to pick Erin up from the airport before heading to Molly's.

Erin got off the plane excitedly and got her suitcase from baggage claim before going outside to meet Trudy. Trudy got out of her car and went over to hug Erin, who hugged her back happily. "I've missed you!" Erin said, smiling. "I've missed everyone." "We missed you too, especially Halstead." Trudy said, taking Erin's suitcase to the car. "How's he been?" she asked. "He's good... he still misses you, but... he's good." Erin nods slightly as they get in the car. "and um... how does Jay feel about me coming back?" she asked. "Oh he doesn't know. Nobody does. I didn't want anyone to spoil the surprise. He'll be so excited when he sees you. Everyone will." she smiles. "Yeah... I hope so... "

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