Sleeping Beauty

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Erin woke up to small kisses on her cheek. She smiled and grabbed his hand gently and kissed it. "Morning, sleeping beauty" Jay says, grinning. She rolls over to face him then wraps her arms around him. "Morning..." she kisses him a few times. "Hey... I'm supposed to meet Hank for breakfast in an hour, but... after that, let's do something together." She said, putting her hand on his shoulder gently. He smiles and kisses her forehead. "Yeah I'd like that" he pulls her slightly closer and kisses her. "Jay..." she says, looking into his eyes, slightly nervously. "Yeah?" He says, still holding her close to him. "What does this mean? For... us...? I know we said we wanted to pretend everything was the way it used to be...but what happens when I go back?" She asks with a sad look in her eye. He sighs. "We could try long distance? Or.... Or I could go with you..." she looks at him for a second. "Jay I can't ask you to do that... I want to be with you... but I can't ask you to move to New York for me..." she said. "You didn't ask, I offered." He said, smiling at her. "If it meant being with you, I'd move anywhere in a heartbeat." He said. She smiled and kissed him "And I love you for that... but you have a life here, a job, your brother. I don't want you to leave all that behind because of me..." she said sadly. "Let's try long distance... I can come visit every now and then... and we can Skype, and call... I just don't want to leave you the way I did before..." she said, gently cupping his cheek with her hand. He smiled and kissed her. "Okay" he pulled her closer. "Let's do long distance" he said happily. She smiled and kissed him, gently wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you Jay..." she said before rolling out of bed to get dressed. "I love you more" he said, grinning. She smirked. "Prove it, Halstead" he got out of bed and walked over to her then kissed her. "I don't know if I believe you" She said, playfully. He picked her up and kissed her then plopped back onto the bed and kissed her a few more times before kissing her neck. She giggled "Jay! Stop it, that tickles!" He laughed. "Okay Okay! I believe you!" She said, laughing. He grinned. "That's all I wanted to hear" he said. She jokingly rolled her eyes then kissed him and got up to go get dressed. He smiled then got out of bed and went to get dressed himself. Erin came back into the bedroom after grabbing her suitcase. She got dressed and slipped her shoes on before looking at her phone.

~ Text ~
Kim: Hey, Adam and I are getting dinner tonight. Do you and Jay wanna come? We could make it a double date 🙂
Erin: How'd you know I was with Jay?
Kim: You left Molly's with him last night
Erin: You're getting too good at this detective stuff...
Kim: Yep

Erin laughed and looked over at Jay. "Jay? Do you wanna do a double date with Adam and Kim tonight?" She asked. He looked back at her confused. "How did they-" she cut him off "We left Molly's together last night" "Oh.. right. I was a little distracted last night." He smirks and kisses her forehead. "A double date sounds nice" she smiles and kisses him then texts Kim back.

~ Text ~
Erin: We're in for tonight
Kim: Yay! 😆
Erin: 🙂

She puts her phone in her pocket and gets up. "I'll see you after breakfast" she says, giving Jay a goodbye kiss. "Behave" She said before kissing him again. "I can't make any promises!" He says as she walks out the door and headed off to her breakfast with Hank.

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