It Should Be Me

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  Erin ran into Med, frantic. Will ran over to her with tears in his eyes, he'd tried his best to stay strong but he couldn't help crying a little bit. "Any news?" she asked tearfully, her voice breaking a little as she choked back more tears.

  He shook his head "No... they took him into surgery about five minutes before I called you..." she nodded. "He's gonna be okay... he has to be..." she said as a small tear rolled down her face. Antonio and Adam ran inside. "What happened? Is there any news?" Antonio asked, running over to them.

  "Not yet.... i-it's bad..." Erin said through tears. Antonio hugged her "It's okay, he's gonna be okay..."

  Kim and Kevin arrived a few minutes later. Kim hugged Erin sadly. "He's gonna be okay, I know he will..."

  Erin hugged her back before sitting on the couch and taking several deep breaths trying to calm down a little. Kim sat next to Adam and tried to comfort him.

  He had blood on his shirt from trying to help Jay before the ambulance arrived. He kept replaying the scenario in his head. "It should be me... I should've been the one to get shot, not Jay... it's not fair..." he sniffed and wiped the tears off his face.

  Kim sighed sadly and wrapped her arms  around him. "It's not your fault..." he hugged her tightly and rested his head on her shoulder.

  She rubbed his back gently, which eventually helped calm him down a bit.

  Antonio and Kevin both sat on the couch, not knowing what to do. They'd been outside the building while Jay and Adam went inside. They didn't come in until they heard the gunshots and Adam's yelling.

  Hank showed up later on and went over to them. "Do we know anything yet?" Erin shook her head as she stood up to hug him. He hugged back gently. "He'll be okay, he's strong..." she nodded. "I hope so... " she sat back down.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let him go in there, I shouldn't have put him in danger..." Hank said, sitting next to her. "Hank it's not your fault..." she yawned as she sat back, resting her head on the back of the couch. She eventually fell asleep until Connor walked over to them.

  Will shot up from his seat. "What happened? Is he okay?" Connor sighed. "He should be, but for the next few weeks, he can't work, and he needs to take it easy. He should be able to go home in a few days as long as he doesn't to anything strenuous, so no running or sports. Minimal walking. He'll need more rest than usual in order to help him heal. We need to monitor him for the next few days. With the condition he's in, his pain could get severe enough to cause more problems, while the gunshot wound isn't as serious as it could be, the other symptoms of his injuries could easily cause more problems for him."

  Will stared at him, not knowing how to react. "B-But... he's gonna be okay, right?" he said as a small tear rolled down his face, one that he'd been trying to hold back for the last couple of hours.

  Connor sighed sadly, knowing he couldn't guarantee anything right now. He and Will had their ups and downs, but he still considered him one of his best friends.

  "I wish I could guarantee it, Will. But he's strong, he has a good chance..." Will nodded and wiped his tears away with his arm. "Th-Thank you Connor..."

  Connor nodded and headed back to work. Erin and Will started to walk toward Jay's room. Jay smiled at them when they walked in. Erin went over to him and kissed his head gently.

  He reached up and wiped her tears away with his thumb. "It's okay... " he said, giving her a small smile. She kissed him gently and held his hand.

  Will gave them a small smile. "Jay, you scared us..." he said, looking at him. "I'm gonna be okay, Will... " he said, smiling.

  Will nodded nervously. "Yeah..." he stayed for a bit and eventually let them be alone.

  Erin started to walk towards the couch, until Jay grabbed her hand gently. "Lay with me... please..." she nodded and carefully laid next to him, trying not to hurt him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Did they say when I can go home?" he asked.

  "A few days..." Erin said, sniffling quietly. "Jay what happened? Do you know who did this to you?" she asked, resting her head in his shoulder. He shook his head slightly.

  "No... Adam and I went in and there were at least three of them shooting at us... what happened to Adam? Is he okay?" she nodded. "He's fine... he's not hurt..." she said, gently hugging him.

  He nodded and hugged her tightly. "I love you..." she said, gently kissing his cheek. He kissed her head. "I love you more..." he said, pulling her closer.

  "I was thinking... when I get out of the hospital, do you want to have a party at Molly's and tell everyone about the baby?" he asked as she gently wrapped her arms around his neck.

  She nodded and kissed him "That sounds perfect..." she said smiling. He kissed her and gently put his hand on her stomach "Our baby is gonna be so perfect..." she kissed his temple and placed her hand over his. "She is..." she smiled and kissed his cheek. "Erin..."

  "Yeah?" she looked at him happily. "Will you stay with me tonight?" she nodded and kissed his cheek "Of course I will" he smiled  as she snuggled closer to him and kissed his cheek gently before eventually falling asleep.

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