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Erin and Jay spent the rest of the week together, mostly going out to Molly's and spending time with the rest of the team. At night they would go back to Jay's place and just lay there until they fell asleep. It was all perfect for a few days.

But then she had to go back. Jay drove her to the airport, and the rest of the team met them there to say goodbye. All of them had tears in their eyes. She gave everyone their goodbye hugs and tried not to cry any more than she already had. She took a deep breath before going back to Jay. Everyone stepped away to give them a minute alone.

He sighed sadly. "I love you... so much.... a-and I'm gonna call you, every day... I promise... and as soon as I can, I'm gonna come visit you..." she gives him a small smile and hugs him tightly. "I love you too..." she says as a small tear rolls down her face. He kisses her head gently. "Be safe, okay?" He says sadly. She nods "I will... I promise, I will..." she kisses him and wraps her arms around his neck. "I love you, Jay..." she says, putting her hand on his cheek gently

"I got you something..." he says, pulling the small box out of his pocket. He opens it and shows her the silver chain with a heart shaped charm on it. She smiles. "It's beautiful Jay..." he nods. "Almost as beautiful as you." He says, giving her a small smile. He puts it around her neck and kisses her forehead. "Thank you" She hugs him again. "You're welcome... call me when you land, ok?" She looks at her phone. "Jay it's ten... you'll be asleep by then..." he shakes his head. "No I won't... not until I know you're home safe." She holds his hand. "No... Jay, New York isn't my home... this is, you are..." she kisses him.

"I'll call when I land, ok?" He nods. "Promise?" He says, looking into her eyes. She nods. "I promise" she kisses him one last time before she goes to board the plane. He sighs as she walks off. A small tear rolls down his face before he gets back into his car and drives home. She gets on the plane and sends him an 'I love you' text before she takes off.

A few hours later, she lands in New York. As soon as she gets off the plane, she turns her phone back on and texts him that she's okay. She puts her phone in her pocket and heads down to baggage claim. After grabbing her suitcase, she goes outside and sits on a bench to wait for her Uber driver.

~ Text ~
Jay: I love you more
Erin: No, I love you more, and I landed safely. ❤️
Jay: Good 🥰 I miss you already
Erin: I miss you too. I'll FaceTime you when I get back to my apartment.
Jay: Can't wait ❤️

She smiles and goes to the car. She tells the driver the name of her apartment building and he drives her there. As soon as she gets inside, she calls Jay. He answers with a smile on his face. "Hey..."

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