*I'm Sorry... A/N

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A while back, I made the decision to write the final few chapters of this book, and publish them together. The aforementioned chapters have been in progress and planning stages for a while now, but after all these months, I've made the decision to discontinue the story. At least for now. With everything going on in the world right now, I haven't been able to bring myself back to my old love for Chicago PD. I have always loved the show, and I think a part of me always will... but the fact is that it is glorifying police violence, and I haven't even been able to watch it in the past couple of months because of this. I am in talks with other authors to pick up the story if they want to complete it; and if that doesn't happen, maybe someday I will come back to it. I'm sorry to those who have liked this story, and I am still writing for other shows if anyone has a request. I just can't justify writing for Chicago PD right now. Again, this doesn't mean my discontinuation of 'Home' is permanent, but for now, there won't be any further updates. Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on the idea of having the story picked up by another author, and if you have an interest in picking it up, my DMs are open. The existing chapters will remain available to read, but I'm not likely to continue the story. Thank you all for the support on the previous chapters.

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