On One Condition

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  Hank stared at them for a few seconds before grinning and hugging her, then shaking Jay's hand. "Congratulations." He said happily, causing them both to smile. "Thank you... and thank you for not killing Jay." She said smiling at both of them. Hank sat back down and looked at them. "What are you gonna do after the baby's born? You won't be able to do the long distance thing anymore." She looked at Jay. "We haven't talked about it yet... I could find a job in Chicago somewhere..." Jay held her hand. "Erin, I'll move to New York if you want to stay..." she shakes her head. "Jay I can't ask you to do that...we'll figure something out before the baby comes, I promise..." he nods and kisses her head. "Okay... I love you..." She smiles. "I love you too, Jay" she kissed his cheek and waved bye to them before going back home.

  Jay texted her after work saying that Hank wanted to meet both of them for dinner that night. She fixed her hair again, then left to go get Jay. She picked him up from work since she'd driven his car back home."How was work?" She asked, glancing over at him as she started to drive. "It was good... but I missed you." She smiled. She held his hand while they were at the red light, then turned and found them a parking spot near the restaurant. She hopped out of the car and kissed Jay before grabbing his hand gently. He smiled and walked in with her.

  Hank was already there. He waved at them and they sat across from him at the table. Erin sat down and Jay put his arm around her. She smiled at him, then looked at Hank. "So, I've got some good news for you two." Erin smiled. "Okay..." "I pulled a few strings... and if you want your old job in intelligence back, it's yours." Hank said happily. Erin grinned and hugged Jay then went over and hugged Hank. He smiled. "On one condition..." she sat back down and looked at him. "Okay, what's that?" She asked. "You don't start until after the baby is born... I don't want to risk it..." she nodded. Jay hugged her gently and kissed her head. He had a huge grin stuck on his face, they all did. They spent the rest of their dinner visiting and telling stories. Later that night, Jay drove home since Erin wasn't feeling the best, but she made sure he knew not to get used to his driving privileges.

  They arrived home a little while later and went inside, Erin sat on the edge of their bed and Jay wrapped his arms around her from behind after quickly grabbing the box from his nightstand drawer. "Hey... you know I love you, right?" He said, kissing her cheek. She nodded. "Of course I know that, Jay... I love you too, more than anything." She said, leaning into him. He kissed her neck softly. "-and I'm not just saying this because of the baby... I don't want to spend another second of my life without you... Erin, will you marry me?" He asked, showing her the box.

  She smiled and nodded before kissing him and gently laying down with him. He slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed her. "I love you... I love you so much..." he said, grinning. She hugged him and kissed his forehead. "I love you more..." she kissed his cheek several times before getting up to change into her pajamas. They went to bed and just held each other until they fell asleep.

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