I'm Glad You're Back

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Erin got back around 10. Jay smiled at her from the couch. "How was breakfast?" She sat on his lap and kissed him. "Good... but I missed you..." He kisses her head. "I missed you too." He gently pulls her closer and lays down on the couch. She snuggles up to him and kisses him softly. "I love you Jay... I love you a lot..." she kissed his neck several times. He smiled and kissed her. "I love you too... a lot..." She smiles and hugs him tighter, resting her head on his chest. He kisses her head and rubs her back softly. "Let's just do this for the rest of the day..." she says, smiling and holding his hand. "That..." he kisses her "sounds perfect" She smiles.

They lay there for a few more hours, talking. Eventually they decide to watch a movie. Their movie wraps up just in time for them to start getting ready for their double date. Erin had picked up a nicer dress on her way home from breakfast since they were going to a restaurant that was a bit on the fancier side. She got dressed and looked in the mirror before putting on her shoes. Jay walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "You look beautiful..." he kisses her cheek. She smiles. "You look amazing" she said,kissing him once on the lips, then once on his forehead. "I love you so much" he said, hugging her tighter. "I love you too..." she said, hugging him. "You ready to go?" She said, grabbing her phone off the bed. He nodded and handed her the keys, knowing that since she was back, he wouldn't be allowed to drive, which he was fine with since it meant he got to be with her.

They went to the car and got in. Jay gave her a kiss on the cheek before she started driving. Adam and Kim arrived about five minutes before Jay and Erin. Kim texted Erin where they were sitting. She looked at her phone when they got out of the car. "Kim says they're sitting in the back corner behind the fish tank..." she said, before turning her phone back off and going inside. Kim got up and hugged her. Adam gave Jay a bro hug before they all sat down. Erin picked up her menu and decided on pasta after about thirty seconds. "Erin, how long are you back?" Kim asked, smiling at her. "The rest of this week... but I'll come visit a lot more now that me and Jay are back together." Erin said, then kissed Jay on the cheek. He put his arm around her and kisses her head. Kim smiled. "I'm glad you're back, even if it's not full time." "I'm glad I'm back too." Erin said happily.

They wrapped up their date after an hour of eating and visiting. Erin had a few glasses of wine, so she let Jay drive home. She wasn't drunk, but she knew him driving would be a better idea anyway. "Don't get used to driving, Jay." She said, hopping into the passenger seat after giving Kim her third goodbye hug.  Jay nodded. "Yes ma'am" he said before kissing her cheek. She smiled at him as he started to drive. She looked at her phone and texted Kim, who was drunk.

~ Text ~
Kim: Erinnnnn! Erin hi!
Erin: Hi Kim
Kim: Adam's driving the car 🚙
Erin: Yeah?
Kim: Yep 😉🤡🦶🏿🧠👩🏼‍🌾🧙🏻‍♂️👯‍♂️👗🐒🦚☃️☃️🌦❄️🥛🥛🥜🥜🌰🥠🍪🍫🍭🍭🍡🧁🍮🏹🤺🥌🤸🏼‍♂️🧩🛴🎺🛴🛴🎺🚛🎸🚒🚚🚐🚚🚚🗿🏔🏔🏕🎆🌠💻⌨️🖥💿📼💾💿💿💣🧿🏺🧰🔮🧰🧿🧿🔭🔭⚒⚗️🧿🗳📬📰📰📬📔📜♊️♉️💞♈️💕♋️💕🔅⛔️🔅⏯⏹🆓⏯🆗⏸⏺⏭⏮⏯🔠ℹ️🔙▪️🔷🔶🔘🔶🔶🏳️‍🌈🇦🇫🕟🇦🇫🇦🇫🕜🇦🇫🕛🇪🇷🇪🇷🇨🇽🇨🇽🇪🇪🇹🇩🇹🇩🇨🇨🇪🇬🇪🇬🇨🇩🇱🇺🇫🇲🇫🇲🇱🇺🇳🇦🇲🇦🇱🇨🇸🇲🇰🇳🇸🇲🇻🇨🇻🇨🇸🇹🇻🇦🇹🇿🇻🇦🇹🇿🇻🇳🇻🇳🇹🇭🇻🇳
Erin: wow
Kim: Oh we're home now byeeeeeeeee
Erin: Goodnight Kim

Erin and Jay got home not long after. He held her hand and got the door for her. She yawned and kissed his cheek. He smiled at her and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head on his shoulder. "Tonight was..." she yawns again. "fun" she says tiredly. He nods and gently puts her down on the bed once they're back home. She slips her dress off and puts on a tank top to sleep in. Jay does the same, grabbing a pair of shorts to wear to bed. He lays down and yawns. She cuddles up to him after turning off the lights. "I love you, Jay." She says, putting her head on his chest. "I love you too" he kisses her head and hugs her. "Goodnight"

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