It's Gonna Be Worthit

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  Erin woke up early in the morning, around 7:00. She ran to the bathroom and threw up, Jay ran behind her and held her hair back. She grabbed a washcloth to wipe her face and groaned. "Everything hurts..." Jay gently pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. "It's okay... it's gonna be worth it once the baby is born." She nods and smiles, hugging him.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes before getting up to get ready. She wasn't feeling well, so she let Jay drive. They arrived at Med around 8:00 for their first appointment to check on the baby. They got signed in and sat in the waiting area. He held her hand and kissed her cheek gently. "I'm so excited..." he said, smiling. She kissed him. "Me too" she hugged him and put her head on his shoulder.

  They went in for the ultrasound a few minutes later. Natalie was the one performing the ultrasound, but she promised not to say anything to Will since they weren't really telling people yet. She went to the other room to check on a few things about the baby before coming back. She gives them some paperwork to fill out. Once they finish the paperwork, they both look at Natalie. "So... everything's okay?" She says. Natalie nods. "The baby is healthy, and if you'd like, we should be able to tell you the baby's gender at your next appointment." Erin nods. They say bye to Natalie then head back home.

  They get home about ten minutes later. "What do you wanna do? I took today off work so I could spend some extra time with my fiancé..." she smiles and kisses him. He hugs her gently. "So... do we want to find out the baby's gender?" He asks, still hugging her. She nods "I want to..." he kisses her head. "Me too." He smiles and kisses her before carrying her to the bed, where they spent the rest of the day cuddling and looking at nursery decorations on the internet.

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