Olive Garden

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Erin woke up early the next day and couldn't fall back asleep. Jay woke up not long after she did. He rubbed her back gently and kissed her head. "Hey... you ok?" He asked as she looked up at him. She nodded, placing a hand on her stomach. "Yeah... the baby isn't being nice today... ow..." she said, sighing painfully. He kissed her temple and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry you don't feel good..." she closes her eyes and kisses his hand. "It'll be worth it once the baby is born..." she said with a small smile. He kissed her head. "I love you so much, Erin." She smiled and kissed him, gently wrapping her arms around him. "I love you too" he smiled and kissed her, gently placing his hand on her cheek.

~ 3 days later ~

Finally, Jay was allowed to go home. Will had a key to their apartment, so he went there on his way to work and picked up a change of clothes for Jay. Erin hadn't left Jay the whole time he was there. Hank had brought her a duffel bag with extra clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, etc. the day after Jay was admitted at Med. She took a quick shower in Jay's bathroom, then changed into a pair of leggings and a CPD sweatshirt with a pair of grey Uggs that matched her shirt color. Will knocked on the door before coming in and handing Jay the Walmart bag with his clothes in it. Jay gave him a bro hug before going to the bathroom to change. Erin sat on the couch, brushing her hair. Will gave her a small smile and sat next to her. "How've you been, Erin?" He asked. She smiled "I've been good... better since I came home from New York. What about you?" She asked, putting the last of her things in her bag and zipping it. "I've been good... I'm really happy for you and Jay. I can tell you make him really happy." She smiled. "He makes me happy too..." she said. Jay walked out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth and getting dressed. She hugged him gently and kissed his cheek. "You ready to go home?" She asked. He nodded happily and hugged Will before putting his arm around Erin and heading to the front desk to sign out. Will waved to them and went downstairs to start work. Jay finished signing out and hugged Erin gently. She kissed him and smiled. "Ew, kissing!" Antonio yelled jokingly. Erin punched his arm playfully and hugged him. "What are you doing here?" She asked, smiling. "Can't I just come to assure that my best friend returns home safely?" He asked, messing up Jay's hair. Jay rolled his eyes. "You could, but she's your best friend, you tolerate me." He said. "True." He said, hugging Erin. "I wanted to see my best friend, and make sure you weren't causing too much trouble." Jay rolled his eyes. "I assure you, I am causing an adequate amount of trouble." He said as they started to walk out. "Adequate? Wow Jay, that's a big word." He said. Jay stuck his tongue out at him "Meanie" Erin laughed. "Tonio you're a bad influence." She said, flicking his head. "Ow" He said. She smiled and opened the car door for Jay. "Wanna go to lunch Antonio? I'm taking Jay to Olive Garden." Erin said, closing Jay's car door once he got in. Antonio nodded. "Sure, I'll meet you there, I've just gotta go see a friend... I'll be there in a few minutes." He said before going inside. Erin got in the drivers seat and kissed Jay's cheek before driving to Olive Garden. Antonio met them there a few minutes later and sat next to Erin. "Erin, do you want me to go ask if Jay can have a kids menu?" He asked, looking at Jay, who was playing Candy Crush on his phone. "What did I do?" Jay asked, looking at Antonio. Erin laughed and held his hand. "Nothing, you're very well behaved." She said, kissing his hand. He smiled and turned his phone off before looking at Antonio and sticking his tongue out. "See? I'm well behaved." He said. Antonio stuck his tongue out at him. "I'm well behaved" he said, mockingly. Erin patted Antonio's head. "Children, no fighting." She said. They both sighed. "Yes ma'am..." Antonio said, crossing his arms. She laughed. Jay smiles then got a more serious, but still happy look on his face. "Hey, Antonio... there's something I wanted to talk to you about...." he said, looking at him. "Everything okay?" Antonio asked. Jay nodded. "Yeah... but... Erin was too nervous to ask if you'd be her maid of honor." He said, breaking into a smile. Antonio gasped, looking at Erin. "I'd be honored!" He said. Erin laughed, rolling her eyes a bit at Jay and Antonio both. She looked down, feeling her phone start to buzz. "I'll be back..." she stepped outside the building, returning a few minutes later after wrapping up the call. "J-Jay... can we talk outside? I-It's about the baby..." she said, getting tears in her eyes.

To be continued...

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