5 years old

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Connor's POV

I woke up with my girlfriend Sarah Reese next to me. I turned to face her and gently kissed her neck"Good morning Babe" I said softly. She kissed the top of my head as I rested it in the crook  of her neck"Morning baby, you on call in the ED today?"

"Yes, I am so you're gonna see plenty of me today, gorgeous" I replied smiling."I won't if we don't get up and get ready for work soon."She got up first and therefore got the first pick of which shower she wanted to use. Of course, she chose the ensuite one so I had the one in the main bathroom that's very temperamental. It sometimes only has freezing cold water or boiling hot water or sometimes both and if it had both it was gonna be a good day but today it decided to give me the lava water.

After being scalded by the shower I dried off and got into my red scrubs because I was on call in the ED. I then fixed my hair and put on deodorant before heading to the kitchen to grab breakfast and met up with Sarah who had managed to braid her golden curly hair. My typical breakfast was granola and then a vanilla latte. And Sarah had granola as well a habit she picked up when she first started living with me. After finishing breakfast Sarah and I got our shoes on and then headed to the car. I usually drive Sarah to work but I drop her off around the corner so that people don't catch on that we are dating but according to Doris (Who loves gossip) Maggie, April and Nat have already guessed it's basically just the boys who are completely oblivious to it. Much like Erin, I won't let Sarah drive."So how is psychology going"I said glancing over to Sarah 

"It's going good. I think I could be really good at this but Dr. Charles said that people who work in psychology can develop the symptoms that their patients display so I might have paranoia or anxiety but I need you to stay strong and help me through it"

I took a hand off the wheel to hold her hand"I'm always here for you, Sarah. Never forget that."I said as we pulled into the layby where I usually dropped Sarah off.

"You know what let's walk in together today and make us public.I'm fed up of hiding in the dark. Let's be us in the public eye and not hideaway."

"I'm up for it"I pulled out of the layby and into my parking spot. I grabbed both our bags from the backseat and handed Sarah hers. We then got out of the car and locked it before walking into Med holding hands. Surprisingly no one seemed like they noticed so I took it up a notch as we left the doctor's lounge after putting our stuff away. We stood outside the lounge and I pulled Sarah in and kissed her passionately before saying "See you for lunch" and then heading for Maggie for a patient to treat.

"Did you just .. ya know kiss, Reese? "Will said curiously coming over to Maggie for a patient as well

"Yeah that's a customary goodbye when you're dating someone"

"You, what. When did that happen?" 

"Year and a half ago approximately"

"How did I not notice it"

"I don't know mate Doris, Maggie, April and Nat guessed pretty early on anyway let's get on with saving some lives"

Maggie gave me and Will patients who took up all my time until I was free for lunch. I met Sarah in the lounge and we went to the food truck like always but on the way, we got sidetracked.

Directly outside the hospital was a little girl who couldn't be more than 5 years old wearing extremely dirty and ripped clothing and unlike all the hobo's outside of the hospital she wasn't begging for money she was sat on the marble that surrounded the flowerbeds and her knees were drawn up to her chest with her chin resting on the top of her knees and her face was dirty and tearstained whilst fresh tears rolled down it. She didn't make any sound unlike most children when they cry however usually when a child is crying they are loud because they want attention whereas she looked like she wanted to disappear in the background and stay unnoticed or like she had been taught not to cry.

"Sarah, look "I subtly pointed at the girl and Sarah followed my hand with her gaze she then "We should go help her it's basically our job"

"Ok but let's grab her a juice or something first she's probably starving"I replied heading to the food truck that had a fairly short line. I ordered a juice and chicken nuggets for the anonymous child than a caesar salad for Sarah and chicken tenders for myself. Sarah and I then interlocked hands and walked over to the girl carrying the bag of food. Sarah then said"you go first, I've seen you in the ED you're amazing at getting children to trust you.

"Ok, hold the food I'll call you over when I need you, babe."I then began to approach the little girl. I crouched in front of her and gently and softly said: "Hey, are you ok."She didn't reply she just stayed silently sobbing."What's your name sweetheart."

She then looked up from staring intently at the ground"Skye"

 "That's a very pretty name, I'm Connor so where are your parents Skye"This time she didn't verbally respond she just shrugged her shoulders

"Well Skye how about I get you some food and then get you checked out in the hospital, is that ok, "I said gesturing to Sarah. Skye nodded and then saw Sarah walking towards us which made her move closer to me for protection.

"Hey, Hey it's ok she isn't gonna hurt you this is Sarah. She's very nice and she just wants to help you like me."Skye then moved slightly away from me as she realized no one was gonna hurt her."This is Skye, Sarah".

"Hi, Skye do you want some food she said handing the juice and chicken nuggets to her. She seemed unsure of it but when we sat either side off her and ate our food she apprehensively opened the chicken nugget box and took a bit. When she realized that it was ok and real food she ate with much more gusto.When she was done and we were done. I crouched in front of her again and said: "You gonna come and get checked out in the hospital now?"She nodded and she let me pick her up and carry her into the ED

"Ok darling, when we're done we will get you an ice pop, how about that."She snuggled further into me obviously feeling safer. She never did get that ice pop because we never finished finding problems. I gently lead her into the ED and Will saw me and said"Have you also a kid that I failed to notice seriously I think I'm straight dumb and blind"

"No I found her outside and after giving her food I said I'd check her out. Maggie pass my patients off I'm on an emergency case right now" 

"Will, Happy Christmas you get Connor's patients, Bay 2 is open for you Connor, "Maggie replied. I walked into Bay 2 with Sarah following behind. I gently helped Skye onto the bed and then set up all the leads and monitors onto her. The monitors displayed results which lead me to discover: Numerous heart problems, broken ribs, and various other things which lead to those consecutive 11 years in Med.



I hope you enjoyed the first part of this story.Thanks for reading

Xx Jinxedsister

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