8 years old

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Skye's POV

I had been in the psychology ward for just under a year and over that time I had got over my trust issues by meeting weekly with different ED doctors who all knew me already and learning to be able to trust them. Today I was meant to meet with Will but he did overtime so he wasn't off that day anymore so he sent Jay his brother who I had only met once when I was 5 to talk about why I was alone and bruised. Whenever I met with someone I talked to them in my room with Damien my personal therapist outside if it got too much. I was in my room talking to Damien while I waited for Will when Jay knocked on the door and when he opened it he said "Hey, Will couldn't come today but he sent me if that's ok with you "

"Yeah, that's fine" I answered, Damien then said"I'll be outside like always if you need me"He left as Jay awkwardly entered and sat in the seat where Damien had just been.I instantly felt safer with Jay than i ever did with Damien.

"So let's start simple i suppose I'm Jay we met when you were 5 but i suppose a lot has happened since then."

"Yeah a lot has happened I've had 4 surgeries and i have another one today.I got diagnosed with separation anxiety and trust issues and now i here and i meet weekly with Connor's friends to overcome my trust issues what about you"

"Well I got married and I have a little girl called Zoë at home.Unfortunately I'm still related to Will though."

We continued to talk and by the time the session was over i felt like i could add him to my trust list.After the session i had to write in my special journal that Damien kept and that Dr Charles saw once a month and reviewed it with Damien.In the journal i had to write who i had seen my emotions before and after talking to them and how much i felt i could trust them and then Damien and i would talk throught it.

Then Connor came and got me for surgery because i had appendicitis and we talked in the lift on the way up.

"So who saw you today"

"I saw Jay today because Will couldn't come"

"How did that go"

"Good i feel like i can really trust him.He seems nice that was only the second time ive met him though.

I walked up even though it hurt a lot and then got situated in a bed upstairs.I was then asked all the normal questions and all he answers were basically second nature i didn't even have to be paying attention to answer them properly.Then we moved to the anesthetic room and then monitors and finally blackout.

I woke up in recovery with Connor standing over me like always , saying"Hey, Skye you ok"like usual."always ok with you Con" i replied and he replied with "You know the deal ,sleep until tomorrow ".I nodded turning to go back to sleep.After i woke up again Connor supported me back to psychology ward and my room there.While I got into the bed , he and Damien talked outside probably saying what i can and can't do for the next few days due to the surgery.Damien came back into my room and told me that Jay said he would like to come back and talk to you again and maybe you would like it if he brought Zoë.I replied saying I'd like that.Jay came the next week with Zoë.Jay walked in confidently while Zoë hung back holding desperately on to her father's hand and hiding behind his leg.

"It's ok Zo , she isn't gonna hurt you"Jay said as he sat down and with that Zoë sat on his lap with her thumb in her mouth.She seemed to look me up and down then decided she could talk to me

"Why is she still in bed Daddy? it's lunch time."She said still looking at me.

Jay opened his mouth to answer but i replied for him"I have to stay in bed because I'm really poorly."She seemed to understand and got off Jays lap and stood next to me "But ill people are pale and your not pale."

"Well you can't see my illness", She seemed to be curious about what i meant and she asked me to explain.I explained it in terms a 3 year old should understand and that satisfied her.Jay then quietly asked me "You don't mind her asking about that do you?Because I can ask her to stop if its upsetting you."

"No it's fine she is just curious i dont mind"I replied as Zoë continued asking questions rapidly."Zoë , let Skye breath" 

"No its ok she's just curious"I said trying to answer all the questions she had just asked rapidly.After answering every question on earth about me that a 3 year old could comprehended i handed a old colouring book to her and told her if she asked the man outside nicely he could find her some crayons and that she should do some pretty colouring in i could hang in my room.With that she bounded of towards the door.Jay and i then talked properly until the session ended and Damien returned with Zoë

"Daddy,i like her can we come see her again"I hear Zoë say as Jay and her left my room.Damien sat on the bed and said "So how did that go?" As he handed my journal over for me to fill in."It was ok but it was a bit overwhelming when Zoë kept asking me questions"

"I promise it gets easier , anyway Maggie said she would come see you later and twll you the latest ED gossip and all you have to do is listen then."


"Yeah , Skye"

"I feel really dizzy"

"It's probably from all the things that happened today , why dont you lie down and have a nap."

"Ok"I said snuggling down underneath the covers as Damien walked out my room switching off the light and pulling my curtain.


Thanks for reading part 5 , my original story plan has changed a bit and thd first parts have been heavily edited

Xx Jinxedsister

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