7 year old.

5.2K 68 3

Connor's POV

Chicago winter weather it's extremely cold and there are icy winds and snow. Winter in Chicago can be brutal. It's cold in Chicago. Arctic cold. But it was Christmas and because Skye was doing ok, the DCFS was doing a thing at Christmas where they paired children with no family with a couple to enjoy a Christmas experience with and they chose Skye to go with a couple.

Skye's POV

I was woken up by Connor like always but it was earlier than usual."Connor too early"I said looking at the clock on my bedside."I know it's early but you're going out today with a couple to go ice skating and you need to get ready Sarah and I brought you a dress and some shoes to wear so you need to get up" He said unhooking wires and monitors from me. Then help me up out of my bed and then out of my hospital gown and into the dress Sarah and Connor had bought me. The couple came into my room when I was dressed and they were trying to interact with me but I just held Connor's hand and clung to him. The couple was too old to be able to drive so Connor said he would drive us to the ice rink. The couple sat in the back with me and asked so many questions like "How old am I", "What I like to do." and lots of other questions that I didn't answer, I let Connor answer them for me.

It was a long ride to the rink but when we got there Connor opened the doors and let the couple out before helping me and giving me a quick hug before turning back to the car "Connor, Connor, please don't go, don't leave me".The couple took a hand each and said almost in unison" I know you're scared but it's going to be so much fun and Dr. Rhodes has to go help other people now."They then practically dragged me to the skate stand while kept my eyes on the road Connor had just left on. They paid for they skates on me while I screamed for Connor. They skated a couple of steps away from me and shouted encouragement at me, but I just faded into darkness.

Will's POV

I was in the ED and I got a case just as I had time to grab a coffee."What we got"

"7-year-old female fainted on the ice, small head wound from hitting it on the ice. Bp looks good and she was responsive when we got there"

"Thanks, Sylvie, Maggie page Connor it's Skye."

"On it, "Maggie replied

Connor's POV

I got paged to the ED and as soon as I got out the lift I could tell why all I could hear was Skye's voice screaming"Connor, I want Connor"I sprinted to the bay where the screaming was coming from"Skye, I'm here I'm here. Will what happened."

"Fainted on the ice, small head wound you wanna take it"

"Yeah, I've got it, thanks Will"

I cleaned up and dressed Skye's wound and calmed her down. I then paged Dr. Charles for a consult. When he got there I told him everything that I knew about Skye so that he had the necessary background on her to make a diagnosis accurately. He then went in and talked to her while I stood at a computer facing then half working and half-listening and watching their conversation after some hilarious joke that left Skye giggling happily Dr. Charles walked out of the room and said to me"I  think she fainted due to SAD is otherwise known as a Separation anxiety disorder. I believe that all the feelings she felt from being abandoned when she was 5 returned when she saw you, a man she trusted and felt protected by driving away from her and leaving her with a couple she didn't know. It's the fear of being apart from family members or individuals that a child feels protected by. In my opinion, she needs to be moved to the psychology ward where she can receive therapy and learn to trust people who aren't just you.

"Ok" I agreed. I then had to talk to Skye about this I knew as a 7-year-old she might have some idea what a psychology ward was but she wouldn't understand about the kinds of people in it but I didn't need her terrified so I just had to leave out what the other people there would be like anyway if I got her a room that was out of the way of everyone else then she would be protected from what mostly goes on in that ward.

"Skye, we have a reason why you fainted and it because we think you have this thing you get really upset when someone you trust leaves you alone. So you won't be going to your room upstairs now you gonna go with me, and Dr. Charles and we gonna take you a different ward where we can properly help you, ok?"I said this sitting next to her on the bed and when I was done talking all she did was nod. I got Dr. Charles to look after her while I grabbed some stuff from her room like her bear and her coloring books.I then met back up with Skye and lifted her off the bed and held her hand and she, Dr. Charles and I walked into the psychology ward the backway through so that Skye didn't have to cope with all the more severely psychotic people at the very front of the ward.

Dr. Charles had a spare private room that was sort of hidden in a corner so we put Skye there so she wouldn't be in the main area and having to deal with all that. After getting her settled in the room and bring down the last of her limited stuff Dr. Charles and I made a plan of what we could do to treat her separation anxiety and trust issues. I had an idea that we both agreed would help with her trust issues and get her to trust others

"Psychotherapy, sometimes called talk therapy or psychological counseling, involves working with a therapist to reduce separation anxiety symptoms and cognitive-behavioral therapy are effective forms of treatment for separation anxiety disorder we could get Sarah to meet with Skye seeing as they already know each other."Dr. Charles said. I agreed on behalf of Skye and then I went and tucked her into bed and told her to sleep I would be back in the morning



Hiya, hope you enjoyed this paragraph. Don't trust anything I said about separation anxiety I got it from Wikipedia.

Thanks for reading Xx Jinxedsister.

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