9 years old

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I was now out of the psychology ward and I lived in the hospital's patient apartment building with Damien though because I couldn't live alone yet and Connor trusted him but i didn't feel safe with him.

I  had a tutor for school called Abby and she was really nice. She visited on Mondays and Wednesdays. Connor came on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the ED doctors came on Fridays just for a chat and a catch up so my weekdays were but my weekends were free.

I was so excited about today because it was my 9th birthday.I didn't expect much.My other birthdays since i was found were usually just me , Connor and Sarah eating cake.But today when i woke up i found pink balloons in my room with a note saying look in the bathroom.In the bathroom was a note attached to a box the note said you will need these before heading to the lounge.The box contained Stick on letters.I went to the lounge and there was a fluffy rug that also had a note "head to Damien's room"In Damien's room there was some soft toys and another note"Go to the garden".I pulled on my panda onesie and converse then went to the Garden.

I love the garden.It's got a swing seat that it tucked away so it's secluded and from the seat you can see the mini waterfall and its so peaceful and tranquil.I get to the garden and it has rose gold decorations everywhere and a pink neon light that says Happy Birthday Skye.Then i hear "Suprise"and i see Connor , Damien , Jay , Nat, Will, April, Maggie, Ethan and Sarah all stood infront of me smiling happily but wearing their scrubs

"Oh my god thank you , this is amazing"I said surprised

Everyone then gave me their presents.Mostly a lot of stuffies and stuff like that. We ate all the food and i blew out the candles on my cake.I stood back at the entrance ."That's not all"Connor said "Turn around"
I turned around and a blonde labrador came bounding and yapping towards me.I crouched down and hugged it.Connor then  came over and crouched with me saying "This is Marnie and she is yours.Happy Birthday Skye."I picked her up and then turned back towards everyone "Thank you so much this is all so amazing.Just at that moment there was a mass of beeping coming together from everyones pagers."Oh Skye im so sorry darling but we have to go"Connor said "that's ok we can pick this up later.I dont mind"I replied facing everyone they all apologised as they ran across the path to the hospital.Damien came over and he put his arm around me and said "I'm here ok , i know that what just happened might cause a anxiety attack so let's just sit on the swing and talk ok"I nodded and let him lead me to the seat not knowing what he would do if i disobeyed.He was right though i could feel my anxiety rising at the thought of everyone leaving me.Marnie was also yapping crazier.

"Damien , is Marnie a emotional support dog"

"Yeah she is , she has being trained to sense anxiety."

"Is that why she is going mental right now because she senses my anxiety attack beginning."

"Probably , do you want to go back into the apartment"

"Yes please"

I felt weak so Damien kept his arm around me and supported me inside to my bedroom so i could lie down.Marnie was still yapping crazily so Damien put her in his room so she wouldn't disturb my trying to sleep but i wanted her next to me to protect me.I took my converse off and then lay ontop of my duvet and i felt a sharp stabbing pain in my chest and i fell into the void.


Thanks for reading part 6 , hope you enjoyed it

Xx Jinxedsister

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