10 years old

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Connor's POV

I had sat in bay 5 of the ICU for months only leaving for a shower or an emergency.Skye had a heart attack.She was alive but in a coma.


I got paged by Damien which was weird so i went to Skye's apartment and found Skye on her bed completely unconscious and when Damien explained that he had tried to wake her up for lunch she didn't move but her arm fell lifelessly off the bed.I lifted her and took her to the ED and ferociously did CPR and we quickly got her back , we discovered there that she had a heart attack and she was in a coma.

End of Flashback

I barley left her side.I mostly just sat next to her holding her hand and pleading to noone for her to be alright.Whenever ieft i was terrified that i would be paged back to her because of a code blue or i would get back to her and she would be gone.

She woke up after 6 years. I spent 1 whole year consecutively by her side but after that it was either go back to work or lose my job.So i had to go back to work and the case was passed to someone less connected. For the first year after that i check on her before during and after shift.then i slowly just stopped visiting her and i gave up hope and cut my visits down to whenever i was in the ICU.Nat and Will would often visit her and tell me if anything had slightly improved.Sometimes Casey would come as well to see Skye to bring news back to Gabby or Sylvie or if Fire brought someone in he would go see her. It was like he knew her and had a deep connection but no one knew why he left the room crying every single time.

Skye's POV

Casey?I could hear Casey's voice but not what he was saying.I tried to open my eyes but soon his voice stopped and his hand left mine and i would try and reach for him the next time he came.He spoke and i reached and reached pushing myself to open up my eyes and see him but they were locked tight.I kept reaching and willing my eyes to open but they wouldn't.I could feel his warm hand on mine but i couldn't move my fingers to let him know i could tell he was there.

"Casey , we have another shout we need to go."

"Let me stay , she's nearly here i can sense it."

"Casey we have to go now"

"Ok im coming just give me one more minute with her to say goodbye"

I felt his hand leave mine then he whispered "I love you my little blue sky, the clouds will protect you"

Then he left and i went back to sleep . every time he came after that he would say that phrase before he left. "I love you my little blue sky, the clouds will protect you"

I promised myself the next time he came i would try and reach for him harder than i had before.I tried everytime he came for what felt like months

I felt his hand on mine again and i could hear him say "Please just move your fingers or something , let me know you're still there."

I reached and reached pushing myself harder and harder to get my eyes to open or to say one word to tell him i could hear him.


"Skye!Skye!I'm here"His hand squeezed mine tighter.

"..........Matt..."I slowly opened my eyes and saw Matt sat next to me with his hand holding mine.

"Skye , oh your ok"

"What happened"I asked unaware of anything that happened other than a stabbing pain before I passed out.

"Skye , you have been in a coma for 6 years.Alots happened."Matt said

"I've missed 6 years of my life?I'm now 16?"

"Yeah you're 16 and currently in the ICU"He said as he moved slightly closer to me.A doctor then came in and said "Oh good you're awake , do you know where you are"I nodded then said "Gaffney Chicago Medical Center."The doctor then turned to Matt"Can i have a word with you Casey?"

"Yeah sure"He stood up and walked to door to talk to the doctor.The door closed behind them and after 5 minutes Casey re-entered without him.

About 10 minutes later someone i didn't recognised walked in.

Connor's POV

I was at home on a off day watching TV when my phone rang.The caller ID showed it was Ms Goodwin.She probably needed an extra person in the ED.

"Connor , I have news .I have just been informed that Skye has woken up and is interactive."

"Has she asked for me?"

"She hasn't asked for you but Casey was visiting her when she woke up so she's safe.You can come see her if you want to.

I immediately got into my car and drove to the hospital at full speed.It only took me like 10 minutes and rushed to the room where Skye was.

"Hey Skye"

"I'm sorry but you are?"I was too shocked to reply.So Casey did for me "Skye don't you know who this is"

"No should i?"

At that moment the door slid open again and it was Will , Jay  and Nat.

I looked back to Skye and her face lit up
"Hi Nat , Jay , Will you all look so different"What!She recognised Jay someone she had only seen twice but she didnt recognise the person who had saved her from the street and looked after her for years.I just quietly backed out of the door and left without another word.


Poor Connor! Thanks for reading part 7 only 2 parts left now

Xx Jinxedsister

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