6 years old

6.8K 79 2

It had been a year since Sarah and I found Skye outside the hospital. She is still in bad shape but at least she is clean and has eaten and drunk. Right now her home is a private bedroom in the pediatrics ward. The hospital has just finished building an apartment building attached to the hospital where patients like Skye who have lots of medical problems can live. So she could live there when she turned 16

Nat's POV

I walked into Med and was on main pediatrics today instead of ED pediatrics like usual because they were down a few upstairs. As I exit the lift I see Connor Rhodes walking into a private room in the corner with a bagel and then I don't see him. I talk to the head nurse "Hey heard you were a pediatrician down so here I am"

"Well, you can try your hand at any patient other than the one in the private corner room as she's a special case."The Head nurse replied handing me their files so that I can have the full knowledge. I walked into their doctor's lounge which was drabber than ours and started to read through the files. About 20 minutes later Connor walked in.

"Hey, Nat what you doing up here"

"They were down a few pediatricians so I volunteered my services, anyway why are you up here?"

"The girl in the corner room is my patient always has been since I found her outside a year ago, she has so many medical problems and conditions. And it's her 3rd surgery today so do me a favor go and keep her happy."

"Is that the same girl you lead into the ED last year. What was her name? It was like spring or summer or something like that."

"It's the same girl and her name is Skye.PD has searched for a month or so for a family but nothing. Well, I've got to do a couple of surgeries before Skye's so I better get started. See you, Nat"

"Bye" I replied as he left with his coffee. I had a few files left to read and at the back of the pile was Skye's and I opened it to reveal an extensive list of injuries and conditions and heart problems. A 6-year-old shouldn't have to deal with all this. I handed the files back to the head nurse and then I got to seeing patients my break came quite quickly well time moves fast when you love your job. As soon as my break started I went to see Skye. When I walked into Skye's room she was colouring. She looked up when she heard me come in.

"Hi Skye, how are you doing"She just "You're not Connor"

"No, I'm Nat and I'm a doctor just like Connor and I'm just here see how you're doing, what's that you're coloring"

She showed me and then she relaxed a bit more and opened up more. She must have a special bond with Connor if he's the first person she asks for when you walk in. Just before my break ended Connor came in his black surgeon scrubs "Hey Skye, you ready" He said walking to where Skye's head was to sort all the monitors and wires out for movement."Come on then darling" He said as he and an assistant pushed Skye and her bed to the lift. I then went back to work

Connor's POV

I pushed Skye and her bed to the lift with the help of a med student and when we were riding up to the surgery floor she reached her hand up to hold mine"It's ok Skye it's just like those other times" She nodded and I had a feeling this wouldn't be her last operation. When the lift opened we pushed the bed to hold bays in theatre and Dr. Bardovi checked her in.

"What's your name sweetie," She asked softly


I had previously told Leah about the  family situation so she knew not to ask those questions

"Can you give me your date of birth?"

I spoke up then "we dont know but she is 6"

"Have you had anything to eat or drink for the last little while" Skye answered with"No"

"The last question now, any allergies"Skye looked at me for support"No, no allergies" I answer for her "And Ms. Goodwin signed the consent form"Then as the surgeon I told her loosely what I would be doing I mean she is 6 so I spared some of the information and put into kids terms. Marty then came to tell her about the anesthetic also in kid terms. They then took her to the anesthetic room while I went to scrub in.

Skye's POV

I was wheeled away from Connor and we stopped in a room. And one of Marty's helpers puts sticky patches on my chest. Marty said"Small scratch now pumpkin" I held back the tears as I felt a sharp pain on my hand. I looked down and it was like a butterfly in my hand and Marty injected a white liquid and then a helper put a mask on my face I started breathing into it and everything went dizzy then I fell asleep. I woke up to Connor saying "Skye, Skye. Wake up sleepy."I obediently opened my eyes and found myself with a different mask on my face and Connor standing over me "Hey, Skye you ok"I answered "always ok with you Con "then Connor stood up and said "You need to rest up, I don't want you awake until tomorrow morning. I'll get Nat to check on you."I nodded and went back to sleep.

Connor's POV

I went back to Skye's room after I told her to sleep and returned her stuffed bear that Marty found climbing the floors in the lift. She was still asleep so I tucked it under her arm gently and then went back to work. And at the end of the shift, I met up with Nat who said she checked on Skye in passing and she was always sleeping. I then met up with Sarah and we headed home.



I hope you enjoyed the second part of this story. Thanks for reading.

Xx Jinxedsister

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