17 years old

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Skye's POV

I was going to do it.It seemed simple in my mind but when i got there i just froze.I didn't known if i wanted to do it anymore but i kept telling myself it was the only way to truly make every person who has every known me happy.But deep down i knew it was him making me think that.

'You have no place in the world.Everyone who knows you hates you.You have ruined everyone's life.You have no purpose . Your better off dead.Just do it.Jump i dare ya'

My conscience dare me and i just stood still frozen to the ledge.I heard feet behind me.I didn't turn or acknowledge them i just stayed frozen facing forward looking down.

"Hey Skye , it's Casey , please just come down with me and we can talk."

"Casey just go leave me.He's right I've ruined everyone's life."

"Skye , im not gonna leave you .I'm staying right here.You've not ruined anyone's life.Whoever told you that is wrong"

I walked closer to the edge looking right down at my expected fate.

"You can't help me, go help someone who really needs you"I said starting to prepare for the feeling of death to consume me.

"You really need me and if i can't help you then I'll protect you i promise."

"I turned my head to see his outstretched hand.I took his hand deciding that life wasn't so bad.As my hand fell into his he pulled me closer into a tight hug and away from the edge."I got you,Skye"

"Thanks for saving me Casey"I said lightly sobbing

"I wouldn't have ever stopped trying to get you down . You're part of our Chicago. family and part of my family and we protect each other."Casey said as he carried me down the ladder.

At the bottom of the ladder Casey put me down and pulled me back into a hug.Damien started to move over to us but Kelly who was stood next to us went over after seeing me tense up at the sight of Damien and said "Damien , I think that Skye just needs to be with us right now.Go home , you've done enough."Damien then left without saying anything.

"Thanks Kelly"I said as Kelly back over with Sylvie."I never did like that dude , it's him who said you weren't worth it isn't he"He said with a snarl.I nodded "He's being doing it since he first met me just constantly belittling me."Sylvie quickly checked me out and said i was good to go as Casey pulled me off to the side and said"I dont want you to do this again so do you want to try living with me again?Your room's exactly as it was when you were 4 i couldn't bring myself to do anything with it .We could change it and you can bring Marnie.

"I'd like that."I crashed on the bed in Casey's office that night and the day after Kelly , Gabby , Sylvie and Casey came with me to get Marnie and my stuff from the apartment.We went when Damien was at work and not in the apartment.As soon as we opened the door Marnie came running at me at full speed."Hiya gorgeous,"I grabbed her leash from the peg by the door and attached it to her collar .I played with her and packed her stuff into a box while everyone else put everything from my room into 2 boxes.Then Casey and Kelly took the boxes to the car as Gabby and Sylvie walked with their arms around me to the car and i held tight to Marnie's leash.

I walked to Casey's front door and immediately the flashback played.

I was alone in the apartment the babysitter had left because she could only stay til 6 and Dad wasn't back yet.I just sat in the corner of Dad's room and cried.It was late at night because the lights outside were off and the sun was no longer shining.The old lady next door heard me crying and called those mean people who came to the apartment and took me to that horrid family who abused me and bruised me and taught me not to cry.I ran away from them and went to the hospital where Dad took me once and i sat on the marble that surrounded the flowerbeds crying silently.

I knew my way to my room and he was right it looked just like it did when i was 4.
The cinderella duvet.The precious toy shelf where all my old stuffies were all.on the right wall and My play corner which was on the left wall still had the dressing up box and the play kitchen and my book corner with the now dusty books.Marnie lay down next to me lighty yapping to tell me that a panic attack was coming while i quietly broke down in tears at the memories and the time lost with my Dad.I lent down and let Marnie climb all over me.I started to play with her to calm myself down.Casey found me on the floor of my old room playing with Marnie.

"Hey Skye do you want to sort through here with me see what you do and don't want before we go get some new furniture.Here's the boxes for what you do want.Kelly is gonna go to the landfill tomorrow with anything you don't want.He said as he sat next to me handing the boxes to me.

"We'll start with the left wall and work to the right wall."First we decided to donate all my old dresssing up clothes to a kindergarten and donate my old books to the library.The play kitchen was going to the tip because it was so broken.I deided to keep the giant fuffy bean bag.We then moved to the right wall where my built in closet was with all my old clothes and where my stuffies were.Casey started to cry as he picked up my bear from the floor by the bed where it had resided for so many years "every single day i thought i would find you again and when I went with Sylvie to see you in the ICU that day i broke down in tears when i recognised you after all those years searching you were there but you couldn't see me you just seemed even further away."

I went over to him and hugged him tight."I'm here now , no more searching needed"


Now you know Skye's back story , hope you enjoyed part 8 , last part next

Xx Jinxedsister

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