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“Hey” he says.

“Hi… I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

“It’s no problem, it was just a power nap.”

Since last night, things have gotten awkward. It’s in the air. None of us are looking at each other for more than three seconds to precise.

“Sooo...” I prolong, if there is anything more of him to say. I hope there is.

“You left early?” he says and I can’t decide if it’s a question or a statement. “I mean way too early.” I laugh a little. “I know.” He smiles too.

“I got a job.” I say. Harry’s smile fades, but he still tries to look interested? Happy? I don’t know.

“When were you planning on telling me?” I can see he isn’t liking the news and I am not liking his reaction.

“Soon. Actually just after I got the job. But then your friends came in and I couldn’t tell you.”

Why you should be happy I would move out soon enough.”

“Yeah, but… never mind, not important.” He says, turning away from me, pouring himself a glass of water.

“No, tell me.” I take fifteen seconds together to gather the courage.”

“I said it is not important.” He puts the glass down with a loud clank after he has downed his drink.

“Alright.” I raise my hands in defeat, “don’t get all worked up.” I roll my eyes.

“I thought you’d ask me about the job.” I say sadly and inaudibly or I hoped.

“Go on.” Harry says in a blunt voice.

“I got the job as a teacher for a year three to five in Springsteen school nearby.”

Harry bursts out laughing.

“You? School teacher?” he laughs a bit more.

“You changed the whole idea of what teachers should be like.” He laughs more.

At first it seemed funny, because it was funny to me too, but then it occurred to me as an insult, but I’m going to not lash out. This place is refuge remember? And well of course it’s with Harry Styles.

“Don’t say that.” I say sadly, trying to look sweet and innocent, so far, I’m failing at it.

Harry holds his stomach, and leans forward, he can’t find his breath, that’s how much he is laughing.

“Oh my God! I’m sorry. But Oh! My God, really. I’ll give you one of those glasses to suit your profession. I could have imagined you as anything but a teacher.” I know he’s right never had I thought I would teach in a school with kids whom I considered to be a nasty species. So, I give in and smile.

“Yeah, neither had I had imagined it.” A few seconds pass before Harry’s laughter subsides.

“I honestly hadn’t laughed this hard in ages, thank you ma’am.” He bows mockingly. This is an exact replica of the students there, very courteous and very charming. Maybe my, perceptions were stereo typified and generalised. All the kids I ever met were kids of daddy’s friends- rich and snobby. Made sense.

A brief moment of sadness aches my heart. I miss daddy. I was on better terms with him. At the end of day he still remembered he had another daughter other than Cashmere.

RUNAWAY [[A Harry Styles and Marcel fanfic]]Where stories live. Discover now