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Roxie woke from her nap with a startle at the extremely obnoxious knocking coming from her front door. With her tongue still between her teeth and her eyes barely open she rolled off of her couch and shuffled over to her door, swinging it open. 

"Hey baby! You said to come over so here I am!" Billie announced, walking straight past Roxie and plopping straight into her usual seat on the sofa. Roxie gave her an amused smile, her head cocking to the side as she shut her door with a quick shove. Billie grinned, throwing her phone and car keys onto the coffee table, and motioning for Roxie to come sit in her lap.

With a disapproving shake of her head, Roxie settled herself in-between Billie's legs, and turned her tv on. 

"How do you feel about starting a new series? What about game of thrones? Or glee? We haven't watched that in a while." Roxie started, flipping through the box sets available.

Billie sighed.

"There's something else I'd much rather be doing with you right now." She smirked against Roxie's skin, and placed an open-mouthed kiss to her collar bone.

"What about friends again?" 

Billie groaned in annoyance, pulling Roxie tighter to her body and tracing her hands underneath the fabric of her shirt. Roxie placed her free hand on top of Billie's, and interlocked their fingers. Billie barely noticed that Roxie had decided to watch friends from the beginning again, even though last time they tried to finish it they ended up going back to the office around season 7. Billie's other hand moved to Roxie's lips while she tried concentrating on the tv, her thumb tracing the outline of her mouth and occasionally slipping it into her slightly parted lips, aiming for a reaction from her girlfriend. However, after about five minutes of no luck, she huffed and moved further up the sofa, her hand sliding from Roxie's grasp as she folded her arms in a childish manner.

Roxie took this as a sign to roll over, shuffling under Billie's arms and hugging her torso tightly, her eyes shifting from the tv to her girlfriend's eyes, which were rolled to the back of her head in anger. She lifted her hand to push hair from Billie's eyes and reached to kiss her jaw, making her eyes flutter shut. 

"Someone's a bit mardy tonight." Roxie mumbled, her lips still tracing over Billie's jaw.

Billie hummed in agreement. "Someone's refusing to fuck me tonight."

"Blunt, Bil. Very blunt."

Roxie pulled away from Billie, sitting up and returning her gaze to the episode of friends playing quietly on the tv. 

"What the fuck Rox." Billie snapped, arching a brow, her eyes boring into the side of her girlfriend's head expectantly. "You've been off for a few days now. You gonna tell me what I've done wrong?"


"And don't give me that nothing shit. Someone's obviously upset you and we all know it's not your perfect best friends."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Roxie growled, her eyes finally meeting Billie's and throwing her hands up in the air in defeat.

"You've been blowing me off to hang out with Ethan. And don't say you haven't! It's almost as if he's the one literally leaving for tour tomorrow and not me!" Billie sighed, running a hand through her hair as she searched Roxie's face for an answer.

"I just-" Roxie's voice cracked and the tears that Billie had obviously missed forming in her eyes spilled down her cheeks. 

Billie's features softened, instead opting to pull Roxie in for a hug, pulling her so that they were both laying down, Roxie crying into Billie's chest, her fingers tangling in Billie's chains to comfort her. Billie shushed her and ran a hand through her hair, kissing the top of Roxie's head as her sobs quietened.

"I thought if I stopped seeing you as much before tour I'd be able to get used to not seeing you." 

Roxie twisted in Billie's arms so that she could stare into her ocean eyes, and immediately a feeling of relief washed over her when she realised they were soft with understanding. Billie leaned to press their lips together and her hands went to Roxie's cheeks, wiping away the tears that had finally stopped rolling down her face before flipping them so that Roxie was underneath her. They both let out soft giggles.

"Why didn't you tell me my love?"

"I don't know."

Billie sighed, "Well next time, I'd rather just spend all my time with you to make the most of it, wouldn't that sound better?"

Roxie hummed in agreement, her fingers dancing over the hem of Billie's sweatpants.


"Oh! Rachel just moved in with Monica and wants to be a hat." 

Billie laughed slightly at how poorly Roxie was trying to catch her up. She shook her head, hooking her fingers underneath the straps of Roxie's cami top. "You know that's not what I was about to say bub." 

Roxie grinned, propping herself up on her elbows to graze her lips across Billie's jaw once more, and made her way down to her neck once Billie's head had tilted to the side, granting access to more of her skin. Billie's arms weakened at Roxie's touch, and it wasn't long until they rolled back over, establishing Roxie's dominance. Billie's fingers still pulled at the straps on Roxie's top and she sat up to discard of it, leaving her in her lace bra.

"You were expecting me." Billie smirked.

Roxie sighed contentedly before reattaching her lips to Billie's neck, thankful that she hadn't opted to cover her entire neck and chest with chains. Just as Roxie's fingers found the hem of Billie's sweats once more however, the door swung open, revealing four people that weren't supposed to be home tonight. Both Roxie and Billie's heads flew to the door.

"Hey guys." Roxie said, annoyed.

Entering the living room was her two siblings and two best friends, all of which had a different expression. Tristan was slightly disgusted, his hands immediately thrown up to cover his eyes, a grimace still evident on his lips. Grayson decided he was amused by the situation, nodding his head, obviously trying to hold in a laugh. Rachel was clearly well impressed with how quickly the situation had turned, considering she'd received a text from Roxie only five minutes ago that read 'think Bil is mad again lol'. Nessie was the only one not phased by the situation, an awkward smile on her lips as she waited for someone to acknowledge Roxie's greeting.

"Oh my god my eyes! This is not something I ever thought I'd have to witness in my life! I'm scarred. Physically scarred." Tristan complained, turning to throw his head against the doorframe.

Roxie sat up, throwing a confused look at Rachel, who turned up with a bag of Chinese food, hoping to surprise Roxie with a night in with the usual bunch. She shrugged, her hand in front of Nessie's eyes.

"Shut up, Trist. And you can move your hand Rachel, I'm not twelve, I've seen Rox in her bra before."

Rachel's hand immediately moved from the younger sibling's eyes as Roxie leaned across the floor to retrieve her top. Grayson giggled slightly at Billie, who had yet to make a comment on the situation, her cheeks red with embarrassment. 

"Well, hate to ruin your night but Bil is leaving for tour tomorrow and it looks like friends season 1, episode 2 just started so if you could move your legs and someone else dish the food out, that'd be appreciated. Thanks." Rachel grinned, sitting herself comfortably next to Billie and Roxie on the sofa.

"I'm going to my room." Tristan sighed, shuffling his feet across the carpet, a disapproving look still planted on his face.

"No you're not." Billie finally spoke, yanking him down onto the sofa too.

"Guess we're on plating up duty." Grayson smiled at Ness, who shook her head quickly, instead choosing to sit on the floor in front of the coffee table. His smile faltered as everyone's attention turned to the tv. "Or just me."

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