I hear the door slam shut followed by footsteps. Anna floats into the room and dances around the living room, she grabs my hand dragging me up to dance with her.
" I'm guessing you sorted it with Kristoff?" She nodded and giggled while twirling me around. I hit play on the radio that has the latest now cd in and we pranced around the room laughing and giggling. I knew their fued wouldn't last long, they are made for each other. They complete each other, sometimes I envy their love, how they know they love each other and there are no doubts. It's a beautiful love.
After a while of dancing, we settle down watching some crap on T.V and eating some sweet and sour that I made while Anna was out.
" so what did you do? With Kristoff?" I ask curiously.
" well, he took me to a secret place and we talked it over, then we danced slowly together in the sunlight that seeped through the branches above us. It was so romantic" she says dreamily, looking into space reminiscing her time with him.
" where is this secret place?"
" if I told you that it wouldn't be a secret" she shoots me a mischievous smile and chuckles lightly.
" so you were dancing for like what? Four hours?" I asked.
" I left alot of detail out" her face flushes a light red and I dont ask for her to spill the detail because I don't really want to hear the sappy 'romantic' experience between them. Out of the blue, there is knock at the door. Me and Anna exchange confused glances, silently asking who it was. I guess we'll never find out unless we answer the door. We both cautiously walk to the door and open It. My mouth hangs open as I stare into the dull brown eyes that I've always hated but ignored the fact that I did.
" Elsa please, can you give me a chance? I can make you feel like you've never felt before and I will show how much I love you" he recites like he's reading from a drilling manual. Anna stands beside me, trying to stifle her laugh like me, I placed my hand over my mouth to stop the chuckles from escaping. Andy looks at me expectantly, willing to tell him that I love him too and I was wrong to say no, unfortunately for him, I am planning on doing the opposite.
" Andy I don't love you, I think your hopelessly boring, you have the dullest brown eyes I have ever seen and you think your everything and everyone will love you when in reality you are a pathetic, clingy ignorant boy!" I say, my voice rising a bit in irritation.
" p-please Elsa, c-cant you see that I-I love you." He pleads, pathetically looking at me longingly.
" do us all a favour and go mither someone who cares" I say slamming the door in his face. I turn to Anna and she just bursts out laughing. I actually feel really guilty for doing that, he seemed so desperate for me to be his.
" do you think I was a bit harsh? " I ask, scared that I rejected him heartlessly.
" not at all he deserves it" she says catching her breath from her laughing fit.
" I guess, I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow"
" night" she says dismissively going back to her spot on the sofa.
I lie in bed staring at the ceiling, whatever I do I just cannot get comfy. With all the things circling my mind, Jack is the person in the forground. I wonder why he had to leave so suddenly? I hope he is okay, I will go to visit him tomorrow and find out what's wrong.
I knock on his door. 12 Burgess road, I knew this because I asked Anna who knew from Emma. It's a modest house, it looks simple from the outside with neat flower beds leading up to the door. The door is a dark mahogany and made a deep sound when I knocked. Emma came to the door, dressed in a long black dress that touched the floor. Her face is dark, her eyes red and blotchy with bags hanging hauntingly below her glassy eyes. She looks as If she has aged five years overnight.

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...