" where have you been?" Anna asks impatiently as if she's my mum and I forgot to tell her that I was going out.
" I've just been out, what's wrong?"
" nothing, just wanted to know where you were. Who were you with?" She asks, walking into the kitchen with me trailing behind.
" Jack" I mumble so it's barely audible.
" What?" She says, I can't decide if she actually didn't hear me or she just wants me to say it louder.
" Jack" I sigh, a hint of anger in my voice.
" you seem to be spending alot of time with him, are you sure nothings going on?" She raises and eyebrow and I flush a light pink.
" we're just close friends." I say smiling innocently. We go into the living room and settle on the sofa, Anna has only poured a glass of water.
" do you like him, be honest with me" she says seriously.
" umm well I-I guess I like him a little bit" I say, heat rising to my face.
" I've read your diary" she says but surprisingly she doesn't smirk.
" Anna what's wrong?" I ask in concern. She looks up sadness written all over her face.
" why didn't you tell me about your ice powers?" She says painfully, her eyes becoming glassy. Of course, I've written so much about my powers in there but I never mentioned that morning so she wouldn't know.
" you know your white streak in your hair?" She nods. " it isn't a birth mark and you didn't get kissed by a troll, it was because of me, I shot you, with my powers in your head" I paused and Anna filled in asking many questions.
" How? When? Why? W..." I cut her off.
" let me explain" so I told her everything. I knew this would be coming but I didn't want her to find out through my diary.
" and I never told you because I wanted to protect you" Anna looks at me, a few tears falling down her face. She's left speechless unable to form words. Her mouth opens and closes as she tries to think of the right thing to say. " I'm sorry Anna, for everything"
" Elsa. I-I don't know what to say. For the first time in forever I finally understand and well I guess you don't have to keep secrets from me anymore." She pauses thinking about her next sentance" C-can I see it?" She asks her eyes wide.
" well no I'm not making that mistake again"
" what do you mean again?" So I told her about that day when my powers returned.
" talking of Jack, I know you like him" she says, this time smirking.
" so what if I do" I say nudging her arm. " it's not like he'll like me back" I sigh.
" haha that's where you wrong. He's comepletely head over heals in love with you." She says excitedly, bouncing on the sofa.
" yeah right, who told you that the blue fairy" I joke with a reference from ouat.
"No Emma told me. Apprently, he's always singing your song let It go is it? She said he sings it so much that she knows all the words." Jack sings my song? I don't believe this for a second. Either Anna or Emma has made it up or they've planned this and Emma's telling Jack exactly the same.
" and apprently he dreams about you and whispers your name when he's sleeping"
" how would she know what he dreams about?"
" I don't know, she probably just added that. Anyway, when they came over, in the morning, we asked him if he did and he turned a bright red, then you walked In so we didn't get chance to actually get him to admit it but Emma says he's pretty much always thinking about you, he's always distracted and withdrawn and even the guardians have noticed it"
" he's probably thinking about someone else like I overheard Emma and Jack talking and they were talking about some girl. It's probably her" I suggest trying to convince Anna and myself for that matter that it isn't true.
" yeah it is her." Anna states.
" see, so dont give me bullshit information" I say, relaxing.
" Elsa, that girl is you." Heat radiates off my skin as I realise what she just said. What did Emma say that night. I dont know why you just don't tell her. Were they really talking about me? And tell me what, that he loves me? Surely not. It cant be true, Jack doesn't like me like that. He loves me as a friend. Like a best mate, together forever untill the end as friends. So what if I have the smallest tiny micro crush on him, it'll pass.
"Elsa? Earth to Elsa" Anna clicks her fingers in front of my eyes and I snap out of my deep thought.
" what?" I say irritated that she broke my train of thought.
" are you going to tell him? You know that you love him?" Anna promts.
" no, I'm going to go to bed have you seen the time?" She checks the clock and yawns.
" okay, night" she stands up and runs up the stairs.
I'm lying in bed staring at the ceiling above me, I can hear Anna talking on the phone, she has a really loud mouth. I grab my phone and scroll through facebook, mostly just people moaning about their life, annoyed I lock my phone and put it back on the side table.
" she really likes him, their perfect for each other" I hear Anna say on the phone. I wonder who she's gossiping too? Before I could find out, she says goodbye and the house falls silent again. I'm never going to sleep tonight. Maybe I should go for a walk, I know its a stupid idea this late at night but you know I need to burn some energy so I can get some sleep. I slip on some leggings, a loose top and a jacket and walk out into the cool night air.
The stars are out dotting the sky with small white dots. The streets are deserted and I feel isolated, cut off from the rest of the world. It's so silent, it just waiting to be broken like the calm water in a swimming pool before anyone jumps in. I aimlessly walk around, not knowing where I'm going. I look up at the stars and walk randomly untill I bump Into something or rather someone.
" Fancy seeing you here Elsa?" He says cockily.
" I could say the same to you Jack, what are you doing out so late?"
" couldn't sleep and thought I could burn some energy if I went for a walk, how about you" He says.
" the sane actually" I say, Its surprising that we were here for the exact same reason but I don't think anything of it.
" is it true that you sing let it go all the time?" Jack stops in his tracks and turns a bright shade of red.
" umm n-no of course n-not" he stutters.
" your a really bad lier Jack." I say chuckling.
" yeah well who told you?" He looks down to the floor looking embarrassed and humiliated.
" apparently Emma told Anna who told me, I thought they were making it up and Emma would be telling you things about me" I look at him.
" no" he mumbles distracted by thought. If thats true and they weren't telling Jack anything, does that mean that everything she said is true?
" so its all true? What Anna said?"
" I don't know what she said"
" that you dream about me and whisper ny name when your sleeping and that your always thinking about me and when you were talking about that girl you like it was me" I look up, and look at his shock struck face.
" i-I have to go" he says turning around about to walk or probably run away.
" Jack wait" I grab his arm looking into his icy eyes and lean in, kissing him softly on his cheek. I give him a seeet smile and walk in the other direction. Just before I turn the corner I take one last glance at him and he's still standing in the same spot under the street light holding his cheek possessing a wide smile. He's adorable.
Heyy guys sorry for the short crapoy chapter, I had written it but then it deleted so I had to type it all out again. Damn it. Oh well here it is, I hope you like it. I think I've kind of rushed the love thingy but they won't be getting together soon I don't think. I don't know anyway, untill next time love you x

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...