" whats happened between you and Jack?" Anna asks as she flips through a gossip magazine.
" he umm told me he loved me an..."
" OH MY GOD! Thats adorable" she squeals.
" but I didn't tell him I loved him"
" so you admit you love him now?" Anna asks with a smirk, poking my arm.
" I thought it was obvious? Anyway, my mouth just wouldn't form the words and now well I don't think I'm ever going to get the chance to tell him" I sigh.
" awwhhh Elsa's in loooooove" Anna sings, poking me more.
" shut up" I huff.
" awwwhh is she embarrassed that she's in wove with Jack?" She asks in a voice that people use with kids when their in a strop.
" shut up Anna"
" awhh come on, what do you like about him?"
" ummm well, i um simply love...him" I say awkwardly.
" yeah but what about him do you like?" She prompts.
" everything"
" but specifically" does she ever back down?
" do I have to be specific?"
" yes" she persists. I can't really be specific as I love everything about him.
" ummm his umm eyes?" I shrug.
" your hopeless at this" she giggles turning back to her magazine.
" Whats that supposed to mean?" I look at my drawing, it's not really a drawing, just more of a doodle. I cartoonalised us all. I drew Anna and Kristoff first, their forehead touching and looking into each others eyes. Then me and Jack, our hands crossed with a snowflake inbetween. Then Emma, holding her hands in a heart shape over her heart. Next to Emma is Thiana, her hands clasped together in delight, Brian and Nicholas stand with their arms crossed and sandy is standing with his hands behind his back.
" your useless at being a girl" she laughs.
" and whats that supposed to mean?"
" your just not so into... love I guess" she smiles.
" isnt loving Jack enough for you?" I ask.
" awwhhh I knew you did" she pokes. I roll my eyes and start to shade the picture.
" how are you and Kristoff?" I ask trying to change the subject off me and Jack.
" we're alright, he's ... upset I'm going to boarding school but you know"
" yeah..." I trial off. We stay silent for a few minutes thinking about how much our lives are going to change. It won't change much for me really, I'm still with Anna and Jack. I guess I just won't be surrounded by as many people that I know.
" what are you drawing?" Anna asks breaking the delicate silence.
" I'm just doodling" I reply but she grabs it from me anyway.
" this is amazing Elsa" she says in admiration. I smile at her. A loud knock on the front door makes Anna jump up in excitement.
" its Kristoff. Or Thomas" she squeals.
" Thomas? " I ask raising an eyebrow.
" Emma's friend" she replies disappearing out of the room. I fold my doodle and put It in my pocket so if I get bored I can carry on with It, then follow Anna downstairs.

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...