It's Halloween, normally I would stay in my room and my mother would bring some treats for me to eat. The years when my parents are dead, I helped Anna get in her costume then stay at home and give out the sweets. With nothing for me to do all day, I decide I'll make an effort this year
" hey, do you have any halloween decorations?" I ask Thiana.
" yeah, there's boxes of the stuff in the loft" " thanks'' I reply, going to the garage to get some ladders.
The loft Is dark and has a distictive musty smell of old possesions. I switch the headtorch on and it illuminates all the boxes piled high. I notice the box full of dark objects and a skull in visible, I reach for it assuming its the Halloween box and fortunately it is. There's one behind it too. I just realised o e problem, how am I going to get them down?
"Thiana!" I yell. " Thiana!"
" why are ye' shouting?" Brian moans from beneath me.
" oh Brian you'll do. Grab these boxes" I lower one down before he could reply and he grabs it off me.
" what are ye' doin' with this?" He asks placing the box on the floor.
" it's Halloween and I've got nothing better to do" I reply handing over the next box.
" do ye' want some help?"
" if you want, you could dress up as an evil rabbit" I suggest laughing. " do us a favour and stand on the last step so the ladder doesn't wobble"
" what makes ye' say an evil rabbit?" He asks curiously putting his foot on the last rung of the ladder. I climb down slowly.
" First thing that popped in my mind" I step of and back on the ground.
" what are ye goin' to dress up as?"
" a shodow hunter" I reply putting my hands on my hips and giving a heroic pose.
" what the hells a shadow hunter?" He asks holding the boxes to take downstairs while I close the ladder and take it under my arm.
" it's from the mortal instruments, they chase demons" I say in a fatter of fact voice.
" ooookay then" he says warily as if I'm crazy. " wouldn't it make more sense to dress up as an the snow queen?"
" I'm the snow queen everyday" I sigh.
" what in the world?" Nicholas asks as he enters the door, taking in the handy work of Brian and I. It does look pretty creepy, there was some dust pray in one of the boxes so we covered all the furniture In white sheets and covered them in the dust spray, only the light from candles we dotted about the place illuminate the features and the windows have fake crack stickers on them. we also added fake cobwebs everywhere, mostly in the cornors.
" do you like it?" I ask nervously. I don't know why I'm nervous I guess Im just afraid he's gonna blow up because we've ruined his house.
" it looks amazing well done" he congratulates taking the bags of shopping into the kitchen.
" the others will be back from school soon, shall we freak them out?"
" what do you mean?" I ask, intrigued by the suggestion.
" if we go out and leave the house in comeplete darkness, they'll be so freaked out and wonder where we are"
" but we didn't do anything upstairs, how about we hide silently upstairs and jump out at them when they come up"
" then we can see their faces" Brian chimes in. We smile evily and hide upstairs in my room.
" where are they?" I hear Anna voice say quietly. I look at Nicholas and he nods his head. We wait three seconds after we hear the first footstep on the wooden stairs.

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...