Anna's face drops as she remembers whats wrong.
" well...I-I stole our aunties diary" she says, I almost burst out laughing if it wasn't for the fact that Anna was anxiously rubbing her hands together and shifting her eyes.
" And?" I ask, prompting her to carry on.
" I took it to Kristoffs and I've been reading it over the past few months and i-it was about... about"
" about what Anna?"
" us. Our family. It talked about how much she hated us and how she hated... that you had power. She wanted it for herself. The dates went on and she rambled on about how much she hated us in the house but if one day she could posess your power it was worth it. It got to our parents death date, but the pages were ripped out. I don't think our parents died in a car crash Elsa, I think our aunt murdered them" she states. " its stupid I know" she mumbles afterwards.
" it's not stupid, I think it too" I say walking over and sitting next to her placing my arms around her shoulders.
" you do!" She says raising an eyebrow.
" yes, our parents were found on a train with a gun in our dads hand."
" h-how did you know that?"
" I went to look at the police reports yesterday.." I told her everything about what I'd seen and what Jack said about it being forged.
" but they would never commit suicide" she cries.
" I know" I reply bringing her closer to me.
" can I read it the diary? " I ask, wanting to know exactly what she had written and distract her from the thought that our parents did actually kill themselves becausr afterall its still a possibility.
" it's at Kristoffs so we'll have to wait untill after everything tomorrow and we need to find the missing pages" she says, wiping away the tears on her face.
" it will probably be in the house somewhere." I reply, we fall silent taking in all the new information. This can't be just a coincidence, it's too convenient. All I know is if this plan works, I will never leave my power in a bracelet again.
" I'm going to go see Kristoff, is that okay?" She asks sweetly.
" of course you can" I laugh. She kisses my cheek and runs out the room to Kristoff. I let my smile fade and collapse on my bed in exhaustion. I want to get up, I want to go and talk to Jack but my body doesn't respond, I try to move my muscles but they stay heavy on the sheets. I stare at the ceiling above, it's a light cream colour and is dimpled and bumpy as if the paints starting to drip.
" Elsa?" I hear Emma say. I sit up, my body now responding to my brain. She stands in the doorway, in her nightgown, her hair messy from tossing and turning in bed.
" Emma, are you okay?" I ask in concern. She looks behind her and closes the door.
" I wanted to ask you something" she says cautiously, walking over to sit next to me. I notice she's messing with her hands suggesting she's nervous.
" what is it?"
" what's it like to be in love?" The question caught me off gaurd. I've never been asked a question like that, Anna is the one that tells me about it. She's always rambling on about how she feels when she's with Kristoff, how her heart beats a thousand times a second at his touch. It was seeet but half way through I'd switch off and not pay attention to anything she said.
" I-I don't know" I reply helplessly.
" how do you know you love someone?" She asks.
" you know you love someone when you would do anything for them. Anything to keep them happy even if its putting yourself in danger. Love is selfless" I say, remembering little bits of conversation with Anna. " why do you ask?"
" I-I think I love someone, b-but I don't know. I don't think he's right for me but but I don't know"
" Does he make you happy? Does he make you feel safe?" She nods her head and flushes a light red. " if I were you, I would tell him. He should understand"
" is that what you did?" She asks looking me in the eye.
" what do you mean?"
" did you tell my brother how you feel?"
" I haven't quite got round to it" I laugh. She looks at me then bursts into laughter and we sit there giggling together.
" I'd better go, thankyou" Emma stands up giving me a hug and before she leaves I tell her she is welcome. Flopping back down on the bed I pull the duvet thats tinted a light blue over me and fall asleep.
I wake up looking up at the unfamiliar ceiling, it's still dark so it nust be early in the morning. I glance over at where Anna's meant to be sleeping but the bed is undisturbed. She must have stayed with Kristoff. I can't go back to sleep with my anxious thoughts of what lies ahead today so I decide to go see Jack. He won't mind will he? I slip out of the door and see Jack coming out of his room
" Elsa, I was just coming to see you" he says. I start to giggle and he looks at me like I've gone mad, his eyebrows raised and his mouth slightly open.
" I.. was coming to see you" I say through giggles. He laughs nervously then invites me into his room.
Heyy guys. So couple of things.
1: the guardians names are as follows.
North/santa ~ nicholas
Bunny ~ Brian
Jack ~ Jack (obviously)
Tooth ~ Thiana
Sandy ~ Sandy (some people are named sandy so yeah)
2: shoutout to jelsafanfix/ Elsaxoriginal who came up with the idea about the diary. Other ideas may be used later in the story ;-) thank you xx
3: just a random question, what your favourite song from frozen? Mine's 'life too short' even though it's an outtake I count it as a song from frozen lol.
4: Again, shout out to Jelsafanfix/Elsaxoriginal for voting for my story without fail, cheers me up everytime, it's like stars have aligned when i get the notification.
5: sorry for the short chapter and not much Jelsa fluff but there will hopefully be more in the next chapter.
5: Im so glad you like this, even if its just one person or two I'll always update and keep writing just for you.
And thats it I think, I feel this is longer than the actual chapter haha. Oh well. Untill next time. Luv ya xx

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...