" J-Jack is that who I-I think it is?" I stutter, unable to make sense of what is happening. He nods his head and takes a few steps towards him.
" w-what happened?" The man - sandy- started to move his hands presumably sign language. I couldn't understand any of it but Jack seemed like he was following it. When sandy had stopped, Jack hugged him.
" I'm so glad your safe" he says breathlessly. They pulled away and Jack looked at me. "I will explain when we are alone" he says before walking away with sandy. The man we buried, the man who was supposedly dead. If he's here then who did we bury? Just a box or someone we dont even know? Walking home darker and darker theories filled my head. What if someone murdered someone to replace the body? It's preposterous but so is sandy being alive, it seems pretty much anything goes. I stop thinking about theories and conclusions clearing my mind. This stuff is going to make me go mad. Suddenly out of the blue, pain shoots through my body. I collapse to the floor in a heap, unable to stay on my feet . I feel something leave my body leaving a hole in my heart, its as if someone has sucked out part of my soul leaving me lost and alone. I scramble to my feet, still feeling empty. Goose-bumps appear on my skin. This isn't normal. The cold normally doesn't bother me seen as it runs through my veins. I shiver uncontrollably, my teeth shattering together. I hug myself in a hope to warm myself up and trudge back slowly, one step in front of the other. Slowly, I grow nearer to the house I live in. With my aunty back, I don't count it as home. With any luck she's gone again and wont return for months or even years instead of just days. I eventually make it to the front door and find it open. I step inside and I grow impossibly colder. My mouth hangs open in the scene that lies ahead of me. A thick layer of snow covers everything and a snowstorm continues to make it deeper; icicles stick out from the ceiling and jagged droplets hang down. I trudge through the snow with great difficulty to the living room where I see my aunt shooting ice at anything she could see. I dodge a ray of ice, falling hopelessly to the floor. I look to my aunty and see something silver sparkle on her wrist. My bracelet!
" Stop!" I bellow with the last of my energy. She turns around and faces me, her hand at the ready. " you don't know what your doing, this. This is a curse." I say breathlessly.
" no. This. This is power!" She exclaims, laugjing almost evilly, a smirk plastered on her face.
" please. You are killing me!" I plead.
" good" she hisses.
" your killing yourself!"
" don't be ridiculous, your a child you don't know what your talking about" dhr screams, shooting a nearby vase that hadn't been shattered yet.
" I know exactly what I'm talking about!" I shout, getting up, adrenaline and anger giving me energy to stand. She tries to shoot me but I successfully dodge without falling over.
" fool! This is power! I am going to get everything I want!" She screams letting ice shoot out in an arch above her.
" they will only fear you! Nothing good will come of this!" But my aunt ignores me and shoots multiple of shards my way. I hear a scream and a thud behind me.
" no!" I shout running towards her. I hold her in my arms, her limp body as cold as my aunt. " How could you!" I scream at my aunt but she just laughs evilly.
" three down one to go!" My eyes widen, without hesitation I collect Anna in my arms and run out. Adrenaline pumping through my body keeps me going, willing me to go further. I run. I run away, as far as I can get. My legs burn and my heartbeat grows faster and louder but I don't stop. Anna squirms in my arms, cold and lifeless but her breath creates a cold cloud in front of her mouth telling me she's still alive.

A not so typical teen love story (jelsa)
FanfictionElsa has never really had any friends apart from her sister but when Jack arrives at school everything changes. She trusts him with everything, even her theory that their parents weren't in a accident but they were murdered... by their aunt! (sorry...