Chapter 1 : A trip to the store

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I'm Malorie Victoria Stuarts, I'm allergic to cigarets and walnuts. I like singing and cooking, and I hate butter. I'm 5'4 , have black hair,grey eyes, and pale skin. My parents have very well paying jobs and we would have a lot of money and probably own half a country if they didn't spend every last dime on lottery tickets. So we're close to being broke, and live in this old crusty apartment building that is literally falling apart. Other than the roaches, violent neighbors, and low safety, it isn't that bad. Since we're closer to high class citizens, we get free breakfast...which if course consists of toasted oatmeal and fried carrots. This is my life, and it sucks.


"MALORIE GET YOUR ASS UP AND GO GET MORE LOTTO TICKETS!!!!" My oh-so loving father screamed in my ear while throwing a wad of cash on my bed. This is my wonderful 3 am wake up call. My parents are really cruel and demonic beings. They only care of striking it rich by doing no work what so ever. This wouldn't be so bad of I wasn't here. They think that my birth and survival needs are what's keeping them from winning it big and being rich. That's why I have to do all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and must keep the neighbors from ratting them out as well. They can be a pretty abusive at most points,like when they don't win the lotto, or they get a stroke of bad luck. This one time my mom got fired from the law enforcement company, and they beat me for so long and so hard the bruises and scars are permanent.

" GOODMORNING TO YOU TOO YOU SON OF A BISCUT!!!" I yelled sarcastically. I slid out of bed and put on some sweats and a baggy pink sweater. As I grabbed my keys,phone, and the wad of cash, my mom called out:

" Oh and would you be a dear and pick up some groceries and bug spray?"

I grumbled under my breath and yelled yes. I then stuck my hand out in front of my dad,indicating I'll need more money. He tossed a few hundreds in my palm and shooed me out the door. With a slap to the face and foot in the rear I was out the door. So I started my long decent down eight flights of broken stairs. Well that's one way to start your Saturday morning...

When I got to the Walgreens next to the apartment complex, I bumped into some blonde guy with light blue eyes. Before I could apologize and walk by,he clamped a hand over my mouth.

" Don't scream! Please,just don't scream!...." He pleaded.

" What? Why the heck would I scream?" I ask confused.

" Do you not know who I am??" He exclaims. Yeah,because I know every blonde guy in the world.....

" Should I? Look I need to buy some things, excuse me" I say brushing past him.

" Wait! Need any help?" He asks. I just realized he had an Irish accent.

" Nope,I got it!" I called walking off. Gosh why did he think I knew him? Maybe he was an old boyfriend or something... I shrugged it off and went to the snacks isle and got Doritos, Hot Cheetos, Barbecue Lays and and Family size box of Oreos. Why call them family sized when they know nobody is going to share them with their family?? Next I went to the breakfast isle and got Crunchy Nut, Frosted Flakes and pretty much every cereal brand there is. Next isle: Meat. I picked up chicken legs, thighs, breast, wings, and steak strips. Long story short I bought a lot of food. As I was checking out I grabbed six Powerball lottery tickets and sighed. The store clerk kept staring at me as if I'd grown a second pair of lips.

" Sweetie you can't just take things from the store. You need money. Now run along and put all this junk up!" He said sickly sweet.

" News flash Barry, I can pay for this stuff,and I will. So don't you dare call me 'Sweetie' again! Now take my fricking money and keep the change to buy yourself a better haircut and some acne cream!" I snapped throwing a $180 at him. As I struggled grabbing all the bags, he laughed at my frustration. Jerk. Suddenly I see the blonde boy again. He flicks the clerk off and grabs half of the bags,making it a lot easier to carry them. I nodded him thanks and we started my long journey home. My parents are going to kill me since it took me so long, I don't want this guy to see that!9

" Hey,uh... Um, thanks for the help and all, but you should really get going," I stupidly mumbled.

" What? Why, you can't carry all these bags by yourself?" He asked confused.

"No,no, you stay I got it. It's a long way to my house from here." I lied.

"Nonsense! I'll take you there and that's final. Now, lead the way!" He said firmly. I sighed then nodded and continued walking towards the apartment complex. Wait! I don't even know this guys name and I'm putting all my trust in him! I stopped walking,

"Wait a minute! I don't even know you! I mean you can't expect me to just lead an adult man to my house with no suspicions!" I almost yelled at him. I had to remember it was four in the morning...

"Well then,let's fix that shall we? My name is Niall James Horan, I like food and singing. I'm Irish, I'm not a creepy pedophil, annnnd I'm world famous with my four best friends Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik. " he said excitedly. Okay this guys nuts.

"If your 'world famous' where are all the paparazzi? The screaming fans? The bodyguards?" I asked.

"The bodyguards are on a guys day out, the fans haven't realized where I am, and the paps still think I'm in San Antonio." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking to my apartment. I would take the elevator, but it's severely broken and 9 times out of 10, your going to crash to the first floor.

"Hey let's take the elevator!" 'Niall' said excitedly running into it. I didn't have time to explain about the elevator,so I did the only logical thing to do. I ran in and pushed him out just before the doors slammed shut and you could hear the elevator plummeting down.

"Did you seriously not see the out of order signs!!!!???" I yelled. It's pretty sad that a fourteen year old had to save an adult from his own stupidity. He was still in shock and didn't answer me. I grabbed his arm and the rest of my bags and led/dragged him to the door. I really didn't want him to see or hear my parents beating the shit out of me because I was late.

"Look,you need to go. I've got it from here,and my parents... Don't like strangers..." I lied through my teeth.

"Wha-but-" he started but didn't finish because I closed the lobby door, and began my long walk up eight flights of stairs....

"Ah, well look who decided to show up!" My dad growled, standing up.

"Where were you? And where are our groceries?!" Yelled my mom. I put the bags on the counter and said,

"Right here Lois. And I was at the grocery store, buying food in case you didn't notice." I replied with an attitude. Before they strangled me I decided now would be a good time to not die. I raced past them and into my room,quickly locking the door behind me. Knowing they could easily get in, I pushed a chair, my backpack, textbooks, and everything else I could move up, against the door. I crawled into my bed and waited for sleep to come.

😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸HELLO MY KATZ!!! This is my third book on wattpad, so go easy on me! My first two were deleted due to lameness. But I kinda like this one's plot, so even if I get no reads, I can still say I made a book!😊 Comment any ideas you may have, things you wanna get off your chest, stuff about how awesome I am, requests to read your books, ANYTHING! Byeeee!!!👋👋👋👋👋

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