Chapter 2: Left to burn

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I woke up to the smell of my door being banged on. Aw shit, my parents must've woken up and remembered yesterday. I got up and opened my window. Looking down I saw a grey and ugly city with cracked roads, cloudy skies, and pollution everywhere.

But I also saw a fire escape. I climbed out ever so carefully,and sat down on the fire escape. I knew it wasn't the safest place to be,but if I fell.... Oh well. I'm not saying I want to die, I'm just saying I've accepted that I will someday. I reached in and pulled the curtains closed so if my parents did her in,they wouldn't see me out here. I pulled out my phone and texted my friend Ethan. We went to elementary together,then out parents both pulled us out of middle for different resons. My parents pulled me out because I wasn't having enough time to provide for them. Ethan's parents pulled him out because he'd be better off in a Private school.

Me: Hey Ethan, long time no text! Whatcha been up to?

Him: Hey Mal, Nothin much,just chillin with my sisters. Hbu?

Me: Well I'm hiding on a fire escape while my parents try and find me so they can murder me...

Him: So same old?

Me: lol,yup

Him: Well I gotta go, my sisters are fighting in the kitchen... Ttyl Mals xxx

Me: Later

I didn't hear anything inside, so I figured it'd be safe to go in. Climbing back through the window, I walked to my door and slowly pulled it open. Looking left, then right, then left again I ran out of my room and into the kitchen. Just as I had put a Pringle in my mouth, my dad appears out of no where and kicks me in the back of the leg. I fall to the ground and quickly try to get back up, knowing what could happen to me on the ground. As I'm standing up, he pushes me to the ground again. I slide across the freshly mopped floor into the refrigerator. Glaring up at him,I (being my stupid self) give him the finger and once again try to get up, but he just puts his foot on my back, preventing me from standing up. As if my morning wasn't bad enough, he decided to pull out a cigarette and begin smoking, knowing that I was severely allergic to them. I began to cough and choke as my throat began tightening up, blocking any more air from getting in or out of my system. Suddenly my mom came running in with a phone looking panicked and frantic.

"Drew!!! We need to get out now the seventh floor is on fire!!!!!!" She screamed at him. It was then when I smelt the smoke. Great,let's just add to the list of ways to kill me fast... He looked at her and then back at me, he tossed the cigarette on me, kicked me in the face, chest,side and stomach. My parents then raced out with as much money as they could carry,leaving my beaten, bloody and suffocating. Mustering up my few last breaths, I screamed for help. As black spots and smoke began fading my vision, I thought of how I'd never see my children take their first steps. I'd never pass my drivers test. I'd never grow up. I'd never hear the words," I love you." All because my parents wanted money. Blackness then took over, and I closed my eyes for what I assumed was the last time.




Yep. That was the majority of my driving experience. Louis singing at the top of his lungs and Zayn shutting him up. He always has been a bit mean spirited anyway though. We were currently on our way to a Meet and Greet. I suddenly saw an apartment complex burning in flames. We were going pretty fast so it was a quick image (considering Niall made us late by stopping for food) , but I could've sworn that's what I saw. After a few minutes I couldn't help my curiosity and turned the cat around.

"Liam, mate you do realize the Meet sand Greet is *that* way right? Mate?" Harry asked. I didn't answer him as I was too focused on that building. Driving back slower than the last time,I could tell that it was indeed on fire. It seemed as if at least a hundred people were already out though,and they seemed to be outraged. I got out of the car ignoring the boys questions and protests and walked over to one of the officers.

"What's going on? What's all the commotion about?" I asked confused.

"There's suspected to be a young girl still on the eighth floor, but it's probably too late for one of us to retrieve her." He answered me looking as if it didn't matter.

"So your just going to leave her up there when there's actually a chance you can save her? You'll let someone burn to death in a burning building because you think it's too late?!" I ask outraged. By now the boys had caught up with me and got the gist of what was happening.

"Look,we can't send eight men to go look for one person who might not even be there,and is probably dead anyway." He said in a bored tone.

"THATS YOUR JOB!!!" I scream in fury. How can they let an innocent girl die when they can easily save her? I could tell the boys were upset too. I couldn't just let her burn to death without trying to save her. But if I die in a burning building I wouldn't be of much help anyway... I couldn't help it. I had to try. I grabbed one of the men's axes and ran into the building.

🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀OMG LEEEYYYYUUUUMMMMM!!!!! Nawh don't worry he'll be fine... Or will he?!?!?! Hello my little Katz!!! How are you all doing? I'm so happy that you've decided to read my little ole book. It just warms my little heart that someone out there admires my work!!!😊😊😊😍😍😍😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️😄byeeeeeeee!!!😘

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