Chapter 9: Popping the Question

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I opened the door to see the same woman who claimed to be Malorie's mother, to be burning something on her back. Malorie was screaming and crying. My heart broke,then nearly exploded in rage. I marched inti the woman and it took everything in me not to slap this bitch. But no matter what, I'd never hit a woman. I was still pissed though.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! THATS YOUR DAUGHTER! I KNEW IT WAS YOU!!! I KNEW YOU AND YOUR SCUMBAG OF A HUSBAND WERE ABUSING HER!!!!" I screamed in pure fury. I pulled her away from Malorie and tried to pry the lighter from her hands.

"Liam be careful, it's still on!"

"Careful mate!"


"Look out li!" I heard the boys cries of worry as we wrestled over the weapon. She began pushing it against my chest, surprisingly strong for a middle-aged woman. I gathered all my anger and smacked it out of her hand and onto the floor. She reared her arm back about to punch me,as she swang forward. I grabbed her arm and pulled the other one behind her back,holding them both there. This enraged her further and she began kicking my shins. Normally, I'd probably of exploded, but right now the only thing on my mind was Malorie. But gosh,man can this lady kick.....

"Harry! Go get hotel security, and Niall! Get the nurse! Louis come grass her legs!" I yelled at the boys,they ran off to do whatever they needed, Louis came over and held her ferocious legs. Moments later about four police men came and dragged her away. Following them was a few doctors who came and examined Malorie. Louis and I walked out and into the waiting room.

"Man, that poor kid goes through some hard stuff. Really makes you think about what an easy childhood we've had, huh?" Louis asks in deep thought.

"Yeah... I just wish I'd gotten here earlier ya know? I mean if I'd gotten here earlier then she wouldn't of been so badly beaten. What if she dies Lou? What if she dies and it's all my fault because I couldn't of gotten here fast enough." I say worriedly.

"Liam! Relax! I'm sure she'll be fine, and if she isn't, it's definitely no where near your fault! Mate, you saved her from death!!!" Louis said supportively. I nodded,feeling a little better. We sat down and began cracking lane jokes to pass the time.

"I used to be addicted to soap,but now I'm clean."

"My pet cow thinks that's completely and UDDERLY funny!"

"I just wrote a song about tortillas,but it's really more of a wrap."

"What kind of bees make milk? Boobees!"

"How did the dentist become a brain surgeon? His hand slipped!" And dozens of other jokes that were so bad they're funny. Next thing we knew, a nurse came and said,

"Malorie Victoria Stuarts?" We stood up and raced over.

"We're here for Malorie!" I exclaim excitedly. She immediately brightens up and tries to look attractive.

"Oh,well... I'm Cindy...." She says seductively.

"Uhm... N-nice to meet you........" I say sprinting off towards her room.

39...40.....41.....42! I knocked and opened the door. Louis, being the tommo he is, brought a giant stuffed panda for her. As we walked in, I saw her face brighten up in the sweetest way.


I saw Liam and Louis walk in and couldn't help but smile. They were just such nice people who really seemed to care about me. I sat up, wincing at the sharp pains in my back. I saw my them walk over and pull up a couple of chairs.

"Hello love! How are you doing? Need some water?" Liam says kindly.

"Oh I'm fine,thanks li! Where are Niall and Harry?" I ask politely.

"We actually have no idea, I would hope that they're out getting me some carrots but...." Louis replies trailing off. Liam rolls his eyes at him and chuckles.

"So Mals, do you know how much a polar bear weighs?" Louis asks.

"Um... 200lbs?" I guessed.

"Nope. Come on you know this one!"

"350? 250? 1090? I don't know..." I say looking down,disappointed that I couldn't answer a little question like that.

"ENOUGH TO BREAK THE ICE!!!!" Louis yells, and bursts out laughing. It takes me a second, but I start laughing too, Liam soon joins us and then we're all laughing out asses off.

For the next half hour, we told lame jokes and got to know each other better.

"Mals, I hate to break this comfortable conversation, but Malorie... Are you happy at home? Like are your parents treating you nicely?" He said hesitantly. I looked away and tried to think if I should tell him about my crazy, fucked up life. If I told them, they'd probably classify me as a suicidal freak who wasn't supposed to exist anyway. But if I don't tell them, they'll think I don't trust them and might get mad. Besides, I don't have a lot to lose if they leave anyway. So why not? I'll tell them.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I ask hesitantly. He nods and Louis seems to be staring at me with great thought.

"Well when my mom was fifteen and she met my father, I was conceived. They argued over what to do with me since my mom wasn't ready for a child and wanted to abort me. But my dad claimed to be ready to be a father. So when my mom had me, they'd bought a two story neighborhood home. I'd been a happy baby and they'd had perfect, well paying jobs. We were happy until I turned six..." I started, but trailed off at the end.

"Mals? Mals what happened when you turned six?" Liam asked now interested and concerned.

"Well I turned six, and we had this huge party that turned out to have lowered our total savings by a lot. My parents were worried that we'd go bankrupt, and decided that I'd they struck it rich, they can't go broke. So they began being meaner and more neglective towards me. They began to punish me over the smallest things like tripping over rugs, asking questions, sometimes for bring there. They would start to ignore my cries of hunger or pain and drag me out to look for lotto tickets. Then one day I asked why he was being mean. I was eight... He yanked me up by my hair and threw me down the stairs. That was where the real abuse started. Every day I had to have anything and everything he'd asked for to be done, to still get a slightly less deathly beating. Then when I turned ten, our neighbors caught my parents in the act of beating me, and we moved. So for four years we were in that apartment building, and each day was the same as the last fee years, gradually getting harder. I had to make a choice between death and cutting. So now you know, now you can judge this freakish emo kid." I finished, knowing they were going to leave. Harry got up and stormed out of the room, I look down, allowing my long hair to shield my face so they couldn't see my tears.

"Mals? Why didn't you tell anyone?" Niall asked sadly.

"Because my dad said if I told anyone he'd kill me,and he'd make sure to kill whoever I've told! And now I've doomed you all because I'm a selfish bitch who can't just suck it up and deal with a few little scratches!" I yelled, losing it.

"A few scratches, is falling off your bike at the park. A million scars, is abusive parents." Louis said concerned.

"Either way, I'm a lonely bitch who's going to die on the streets because I've got no where to go!" I say, realizing I'm now an orphan. A beaten, scarred, worthless orphan. They exchanged glances and suddenly, Liam turned and looked me in the eyes.

"Malorie, do you want to be a part of the 1D family?"

😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭IM CRYING TEARS OF JOYYYYY!!! Gosh it took forever to get there... Anyway I'm eager to start the next chappie so chow! Later my little Katz!

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