Chapter 13: Zayn and Ice Cream

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I couldn't take staying there and watching the boys fight over me. Zayn is right, once again. If I had of just died in that fire the boys wouldn't be fighting amongst themselves. I ran upstairs and searched for Liam. I looked room to room and finally found his room. I knocked and opened the door.

"Liam? Can I come in?" I ask. I hear a muffled yes. I walked in and curled up next to him on his bed. He flipped over to look at me.

"What's wrong Pumpkin?" He asks concerned, obviously noticing my year stained cheeks.

"I've wrecked the 1D family." I say sadly.

"What would make you think that?" He asks sitting up.

"If I had died in that fire, you guys wouldn't be fighting and Zayn probably would be a lot nicer to all of you. If only I had of died in that damn fire!" I rant.

"Hey, hey where is this coming from? Who told you this?" He asked concerned.

"What does it matter? I'm not supposed to be here!" I sigh.

"Well you know what? I think your an amazing young girl who grew up in an environment she didn't deserve. I see an awesome, who is under-appreciated and just needs to be loved. I see a young girl who's been through a lot more than needed, who's very strong, and is a great person. I see Malorie Victoria Payne." Liam said sweetly.

"Aww,thanks li-PAYNE????? I-wha- huh???" I ask very confused. He laughs.

"Your officially my daughter now. I was out this afternoon while you and Louis were getting ice cream. Then when I came back and announced that it was official, Zayn exploded and we fought, resulting in him knocking me out. You know the rest. Anyway your officially Malorie Victoria Payne now." He explained. I couldn't believe it... He really adopted me. I'm finally free of that horrid last name that reminded me of who I could never escape. I was no longer a Stuart, but a Payne.

(A/N lol, I can't think of a way to say that differently.......)

I ran downstairs and jumped on Harry, who immediately wrapped me in a hug. I don't know why I hugged him specifically, but I just needed to express my joy. I then saw the clock and it read 3:09. Oh god I've stayed up this late?! I jumped down turned to ask Liam where I'd be sleeping. Just as I took off, I smacked into the devil himself, aka Zayn. He stuck out his hand and I gladly took it. Only to be yanked in the air forcefully and dragged outside.

"Gee, Malorie. Can I speak with you outside?" I ask mockingly and in a sarcastic tone. I mean really! My whole arm hurts now... He then gets close in my face.

"Liam may have adopted you, but like I said. You will never be a part of this family, and you will always be worthless." He says grabbing my scarred arm tightly. I wince in pain of the raw skin being held so forcefully. He smirks and pulls out a cigarette. My eyes widen fearfully as I step away.

"You know *puff* it's funny. Your old parents loved you, *puff* then hated you. *puff* Now Liam loves you. What do you think will happen next?" He asks tauntingly and blows a long puff in my direction. I start coughing, badly.

"What? Don't like smoke?" He taunts.

"I-I'm alle-" I choke out, but he interrupts me by blowing another puff in my face. I reach for the door to try and get Liam, but he just steps in front of it. I feel my throat start to close up. I began banging on the window, since we were on the back patio. Harry and Louis were talking in the kitchen, and if I was loud enough, they'd hear or see me. I refuse to let Zayn kill me.... At least not today. I push him into the glass door and it surprisingly makes a big noise. His head snapped towards me and next thing I knew, a stinging sensation in my cheek knocked me to the ground. He had slapped me. Hard.

"Don't you dare disrespect me you little bitch!" Zayn demands kicking me in the stomach. I curl up in pain and manage to choke out,

"Shut the fuck up." He yanked me up by my throat and I let out a strangled scream. Suddenly the door bursts open and The boys are there red faced with rage.


"Nothing, just teaching her a lesson on manners.

"YOUR NOT HER FATHER!!! YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT!!!!!!!!!" Shouts Liam. Harry barrels into him, causing Zayn to throw me to the ground. I gasp, trying to catch my breath which isn't easy after having a serious allergic reaction and being strangled. I moan in pain. My stomach hurts, my throat hurts, my everything hurts....

Niall rushes over.

"What happened Princess? What hurts?" He asks trying to help me. He picks me up and takes me inside, setting me on the couch.

"Need some ice cream?" He asks knowingly. I smile and nod. He runs back in with the leftover ice cream.

We sat and ate the ice cream, watching Bad Girls Club. Niall really comes in handy here, he always knows how to distract or cheer someone up.

"So... Um.... I know you probably don't wanna talk about this, but what did Zayn do? I need to know." He asks, not hiding his concern. I sigh and lick my spoon.



"And then you guys barged in and stopped him." I conclude. Niall is red in the face and I'm pretty sure he's about to punch or throw something. I cower in fear. Don't judge, when you've just been nearly murdered, you feel a little paranoid around angry people! Niall noticed my fear and relaxes a bit.

"Princess I would never hurt you and neither would the rest of the lads. Zayn is just a jerk who would be dead by now if we weren't in a band. We literally signed a contract saying we wouldn't kill eachother." I laughed at the last part quietly. We watched TV and ate ice cream for about an hour or two, till the Liam, Harry, and Louis came back in. Liam and Louis were carrying a beaten and bloody Zayn. Harry went to the bathroom.

I knew I should hate him, and I do, but knowing what it's like to be beaten up... I can't help but feel sorrow/pity for Zayn. I'll bring him an icepack or something later...

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