Chapter 10: The Fight

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I sat there in shock, did he really just ask me that?

"W-What?" I ask, thinking I'd heard him wrong.

"We want to adopt you!!!" Squeals Louis... Only Louis would do that........

"Um, are you sure you'd want to take me in? I mean Zayn and Harry don't even like me!" I say, making sure they don't make a big mistake.

"Oh hush! Harry loves you more than cats and Zayn's always a grouch!" Louis says happily.

"The question isn't will we, we've made our decision. The question is will you? We won't take you if you don't want to go." Liam says warmly. I start to think it over, but there's really nothing to think about. So I take a breath, and,

"Yes. I'd love to be a part of the 1D family!" I say, for once actually feeling genuinely happy. They erupt into cheers and whistles.

(We're going to pretend they let her out of the hospital today because let's face it, it's getting soooo boring with her in there... And who wants Zayn back in here???? Wooooo!!!!!!!)

Louis picks me up bridal style and carries me out of that awful hospital room. We must've been a sight to see! A teenager in a hospital gown, being carried by Louis Tomlinson, followed by 2/5 of one direction clapping and cheering. Liam climbed in passenger and Niall hopped in the back. As he set me in the van next to Niall, and got in the drivers seat, I began to think about how drastically my life's changed since I bumped into Niall that day...

"Whatcha thinkin bout Mals?" Louis asks, breaking my train of thought.

"Hm? Oh nothing." I say shrugging it off. We drive up to a either a tiny mansion or a giant house. I climbed out of the van, earning a pout from Louis since he couldn't pick me up. Just as I'm looking smug and walking, Niall comes along and picks me up.

"NIIIAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!" I scream. What do these boys have against my legs??? Liam opened the door and Niall waltzed in with me still in his arms. Until Zayn came running over looking very excited, and came barreling into Niall giving him a strong hug. This of course,caused him to drop me on my butt.

"Oh sorry Mals! You okay?" He asks sincerely. I nod and stand up, walking to Liam.

"Hey Liam? Can I ask you something?"

"Anything pumpkin, shoot." He says.

"Does... Does Zayn like me?" I ask looking him in the eyes. He thinks for a moment and says,

"Well he doesn't really know you yet, so maybe he's got some mixed feelings, but come on, who couldn't love you?"

I smile a little and nod. Just then something crashes into me knocking the wind out of me completely. It wraps it's arms around me and picks me up in a tight hug. I now see my attacker and recognize him as the one and only, Harry Styles.

"I missed you Mals, I'm so sorry for leaving like that... I just couldn't deal with the fact that someone had been doing this to you for so long." He apologizes. I smile and playfully thump his forehead. He laughs and puts me down. I then notice the rest of the boys(minus Zayn) staring at me with warm and loving looks on their faces. They stared at me for like four minutes until Zayn yells,

"DID I MISS SOMETHING HERE?!" They snap out of it and Liam speaks up,

"Zaynie, meet our soon-to-be newest member of the 1D family: Malorie Victoria Stu-Payne. Her last name shall be Payne." Liam explains.

"What?! How come she gets your last name? Malorie Victoria Horan sounds much better." Niall argues.

"You wish, Malorie Victoria Styles, is like the best name ever." Harry intrudes.

"YOUR ALL WRONG! Malorie Victoria Tomlinson is extrordanious!!!" Louis yells. They all then begin arguing over who's last name I get, but to be honest, I actually like Maloire Victoria Payne...

"Have you all lost your minds?!?! Are you seriously even thinking about adopting her?! She cannot move in, and she especially can't be adopted by you guys!" Zayn yells at all of them. I look down. He's right, I knew I shouldn't of said yes...

"Malorie's amazing how dare you! Of course we want to adopt her! What the hell do you think we should do with her, just toss her away to an orphanage?" Liam screams back at him.

"I'm fine with that!" Zayn yells. Well ouch. Still here guys....

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why are you so against her?!"

"I don't owe you an explaination!"

"You owe it to Malorie! She deserves to know why you don't want her here!"

"She deserves nothing but what's already come to her. Adopt her if you want, let her move in if you want, but I hope you know. She will never be a part of the 1D family. She will always be worthless to me." Zayn yells at Liam as storms out the door. It was silent for a few minutes, but Louis broke it by ushering me out the door and saying,

"Well I'm not too comfortable in this tension... So imma borrow Mals and we're getting ice cream... BYE!"

Next thing I know,we're in the garage.

"Pick a car,any car!" Louis says like a gambler. I look around the wide selection of cars,and I finally decided on the topless black convertible. We hopped in and he began driving towards the ice cream shop.

😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃OH EM GEEEEEE!!!! Oh and btw, I've got absolutely ZERO against any of the celebs in this book!!! There just like this for the sake of the story. Anyway :

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