Laugh in The Afternoon

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The day had gone through midday afternoon, even so, the market would always be crowded with people pacing back and forth. From those type of seller who sell while shouting their wares, the people carry their wares on wagons, and those who stay in their stalls. Shun—who is selling fox and sheep pelts this time—is the type of a seller who stays in place until someone notices her.

She realized that when she offered her wares openly, the other merchants around her throwing her with glares. In fact, there were a number of cases where one of the merchant intentionally bumped into her to drop her merchandise. Of course, it's all because they look down on Shun as a kid. Because of this, Shun prefer to trade raw materials so that they not get easily damaged by their harassment.

In the midst of the crowd, there will always be those Yokai who like to walk in the middle of the market. Not because they want to harm humans, but they just walk past the human residence. Like normal humans in general, even the yokai will be attracted to a crowd full of food and laughter. It's just that the yokai don't walk on the market as often at night. They are creatures born of darkness after all.

And thus, that's exactly the very reason why Shun is a little bit irked right now.

" If you don't need anything from me, please go play in the forest, Heiji. "
Whispered Shun flatly.

However, the small yokai who's in his spirit for, is even more playful with Shun's goods. A small yokai indeed, for his normal appearance at least. While in their spirit form, no human with normal eyes can see them.

" Fufufu, why are you being so mean? It's not like I'm hindering you with business, Holiness. "

The yokai of a pipe fox is indeed cute, especially with that slanted eyes and meerkat-like long body. However they can be pretty vicious when they turned into their monstrous form of a beast fox.

" You see what I'm selling here? It's one of your original living form, a fox pelt. You should feel pity for playing with them. Go wait at the forest, I'll play with you later after I'm done. "

Shun sighed at the sight of her little yokai friend is basically sleeping on the fox pelts.

" Fuu... If the holiness say so. But I'm not leaving because I feel shame on playing on top of my original kin's dead body, alright? They doesn't mean much to me anyway. The dead can stay dead, it's not like I choose to be revived as a pipe fox as well. "

" ... How carefree. "
With those, the silly yokai then leave her alone with her goods.

Even in this day and age where yokai are most active and believable, still only a handful of people can actually see their spirit form. The yokai would show their true form to human eyes when they wanted to play a prank on them or just to eat them. Not every yokai eat human, they can easily eat any life force from human's food as well. But again... there are some of them who takes eating human is more pleasing.


True that Heiji—the pipe Fox Yokai— being in Shuns's work could be a distraction, but it's still better for her than to be always deeply in thought of Hijikata's whereabouts.

What makes her worried is not because she's that type of clingy lover. But she's afraid that Hijikata already left the town with Kondou and—probably—Okita. If that happened, then there's nothing Shun could do about it aside praying for their safety.

" Well, i mean... at least I already told him to let me join him later in the future. But... I hope he didn't treat it as a kid's nonsense. "
From overthinking things, she become gloomier while trying to keep up the selling.

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