Unforgotten Temple

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" Inoue-dono, are you here? "
Asked Shun, popping her head to the kitchen entrance in a curious manner.

Luckily, the kitchen is not that big, so her voice can be heard in the entire kitchen at once.

" Oh, Shun-Kun. Good morning, what's the matter? "
The man was crouching in front of the stove to fan the fire, but when he looked at Shun searching for him, he immediately get up to wipe out the cinder stain on his hands.

" Good morning, Inoue-dono. Forgive me for bothering you when you're so busy preparing breakfast, I want to ask you something, is that alright? "

 Forgive me for bothering you when you're so busy preparing breakfast, I want to ask you something, is that alright? "

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" Sure, I'm done with most of the work as well. What is it that you wanted to ask? "

" I wonder if it's possible for me to go outside at certain time to visit a temple? "

" Visit a temple? Well, I don't quite see the problem there. I think it's alright, but you still must ask Hijikata-San or Kondou-San permission. You're the physician here after all, it wouldn't be good if there's something urgent came up and you're not present at the moment. "
He suggest while scratching his chin as if he's thinking about this thoroughly.

" Actually Kondou-San was the one who told me to ask you if I ever wanted to go outside... "

" Eh? "
Inoue is surprised by the information, he hasn't heard anything about this before. But again, Inoue look at Shun for a moment—thinking that it most unlikely for her to lie. There's no reason to make trouble in her first day.

" Alright then, since Kondou-San said so, you're allowed to go outside. But since you're still new to the town, it's best if you go with the members who will be patrolling later. "

" Thank you so much, Inoue-dono. I'll be sure to come back immediately. "
Shun bowed deeply at him for giving her the permission.

Shun is really a polite kid, but honestly, Inoue just doesn't know whether he's really polite or he's still nervous around the Shinsengumi.

" Please don't be so formal with me, Shun-kun. You're still new here, but I hope you can make yourself comfortable soon. "
Inoue gave a short laugh before continuing with his cook.

" U-umm... is it alright if I called you Inoue-san? "
A slight blush painted on her cheek as she's looking down nervously.

" Of course, Shun-kun. "
The man smiled warmly in reply.

Noticing that he's alone in the kitchen meaning there's no one to help him, Shun decided to make her useful to the kitchen first by offering her help to Inoue. At first he was being reluctant but Shun insist on helping him out not just as repaying his kindness but she wants to start helping others from now on as well. In the end, Inoue couldn't beat her determination and accept her offer.

Inoue is currently the oldest captain in the Shinsengumi, yet he's the meekest out of them all—if not after Kondou. He's kind, gentle, and always mindful of others, especially the younger members. Apparently, he's still single and it's most likely that he doesn't have any plan for marriage. There's something about him which holding him back to make a family of his own—even with his current age.

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