Ghostly Step

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After Ikedaya incident, the next thing Shun most definitely anticipates is the Kinmon no Hen incident. This event wasn't only a huge thing for the Shinsengumi as the Aizu recognition for their assistance, but also for the preamble of Chizuru's identity as an Oni. However, the importance of the latter event supposedly has lost its meaning since Shun had revealed Chizuru's demon blood when the Shinsengumi decided to took Chizuru under their protection.

Before the Kinmon no Hen incident happened, everything goes according just like what she knew. The people who had to stay behind and the one who got to fight beside Kondou. Shun let everything flow smoothly, in fact, she almost didn't have a say in this matter. The reason is because she doesn't have any role to fulfill on the front line.

" You're leaving out Shun from the battle is probably the most reckless thing you've ever done this year. "
Okita said abruptly without any filter in his words.

" I don't leave her out from the battle, instead I leave you all in Shun's care. Just be good and let her treat you. When we're back, I'm going to treat you like a dog. "
But instead, Hijikata scoffed at his cynical smile and replied with a smug face.

Both Hijikata and Okita really act like a typical brothers who won't wear their feelings on their sleeve when it comes to each other. Shun couldn't help it but to break a small laugh when she thought how troublesome they're.

" I have to go now, Shun. Please be careful and don't forget to send your reports. "
Hijikata ordered.

" Yes, Hijikata-san. Please be save. "
Knowing Shun who can't really function well in front of Hijikata, she shortly replied. Wearing her poker face.

In the other hand, Okita seems to be criticizing Hijikata's words to Shun.
" Tch, just say you want her to keep sending letters to you, moron... "

Suddenly, when the vice-commander about to take a step away from them, he leans forward on Shun's ear. Letting out his warm breath whilst forming a sentence.

" I'll bring you souvenir, please wait for me patiently. "
It was the deepest and gentlest voice Shun ever heard from him. No... probably, that's how he's always been, but she just realized she heard his voice directly and that close, to the point she can still feel the hotness lingering in her ear after got teased by such endearing voice.

Shun couldn't resist the blush on her cheeks, that's why she immediately lowered her head as to hide her embarrassment from Hijikata. But unbeknownst to her, even those pair of ears has become as red as a winter camelia flower—which of course, inquired a pleasant feeling from Hijikata.

With that little gesture before he parts way from the headquarter, Hijikata then move forward towards his battalion and the other captains. Their trip to the front line has begun.



" You alright, Shun? "

" Why wouldn't I be? "

" Hmm I don't know, your face looks like someone who's holding their shit quietly. "

"... That's too much of a stretch, but I guess... that's the closest metaphor of what I'm feeling right now. "

"... You seriously need to let out your shit? "

".............Let's stop talking about shit for a moment. There's bigger shit that I need to show you rather than my shitty feeling. "

After Shun's done with Okita's treatment for today, she asked him to follow her to her office. Since Okita already knew everything from A to Z about what Shun's been doing all this time, and her role as a Yokai Priest, Shun decided to ask him to discuss whenever she needs to do her next step.

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