Chapter Five: The Fun.

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            I was not in the body of my descendant. A gay fifteen year old boy named Jute. Why is it every one in my family is named after a flower or J is the first letter? Never the less. This age is full of "Normal" people. Jute and I both disliked them. Now back in my day every one was different. You had your Mobley family down the road who worked the farms and plantations, and every day it seemed like they had a new family problem. There were also the Gramms. The Gramms were this nigger family that lived down the road and by the general store. I myself lived in my workplace. The Village Apothecary: The place where under the beautiful midday sun I sold tonics, toxins, poisons, and potions. I was and still am an advanced Herbalist. During the night though I preformed spells, sceances, and Divinations for those who payed enough, but why did the town not burn or lynch me for my acts of Witchery and Black magick?

           I personaly believe it was because of what I offered the Village. What I offered every one. I was not only the Town Apothecary but for the Lord and his beautiful wife I was their personal torturer. I got the job by paying a visit to a friend in the castle. I couldn't possibly help but overhear the Lord speaking to an accused peasent of murder. "Well art thou guilty? Or doth ye claim innocence?" He said in the strangest way. Our Lord wasn't always the most normal or sane of lads. So of course after I hear him, I walk over to him and curtsy as any Lady should, and I began to speak, the words flying off my tounge in a mixture of Latin, and Norse accent. "Surely my Lord would not seek to place filfth upon hands of his own? Perhaps you should allow me the privelage of gathering the knowledge you seek from this man?" The Lord looked at me as if I had just spat on his robe. He raises a brow and spoke in a harsh, and hateful tone."Who the hell are you to say what I want?" I laughed my witchly cackle and smiled my devious and enourmous grin." I am Rose Blackthorn. The Village apothecary." As I said my name his and his wifes face grew stiff, my name as if a slap to their faces. I laughed at their expression and nodded. "So shall I get to work?" He nodded and waved us off.

                    I smiled devilishly as the guards chained the Villagers to the wall, and punched his gutt. I waved them off and nodded. "So deary shall the fun begin?" My accent no longer Norse or Latin but English. I spoke proper English. He shook his head and I laughed my witchly cackle. I held my arms close to me and delicatly waved my hand over the tools that lie to my right on the old oak table."My my...what to start with? Ooh perhaps this!" I grabbed a pair of shears, yes the kind you use on sheep. I took his right hand and began to snip off finger by finger. "This little piggie went to Market. This little piggie went to town. This little piggie went to Purgatory. And this little piggie bled all the way home." I spoke with a giggle, and grin. After his right hand was done. I began to remove fingernails from his left hand. Soon after his finger nails were gone I began to remove his inscisors or canine teeth. He had precicely four unlike me as I had twelve for some odd reason, the last few being jagged. I took a knife and began to peel off a few bits of his flesh  and place them on the table in the shape of a cross, then a star of david, then it formed a circle. I placed the nails and teeth on the flesh and began to tie it as if in a bag, and knotted it together. I shoved it in his mouth with the tie sticking out. "So you tell me if you did it or not. Pure honesty and I let you go. If you lie to me I shove it down your throat." He shook his head as if saying no. Soon the whispers flowwed into my head."Lies. He Lies that little devil." I slowly pushed the bag in his throat and watched him choke to death."Oh goodie this is fun. Perhaps I should do it more often." I strolled out the front door and waved bye to the Lord and Lady. "He commited the crime and I punished him to death." They nodded and I walked out. That Wicked grin across my lips.

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