12- Iris

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Hey, you feeling up for an adventure?

An adventure?


Care to explain?

Not really. I feel like you'd say no if I did.

I'm sure I wouldn't.



Okay... I have to go try on some costumes for the play. I wanted you to come with me so the day wouldn't be completely boring...

But you thought I'd say no if you invited me like a normal person?

A little bit

I'll meet you outside in 15 minutes.


As I'm halfway down the dormitory steps, Alexander is heading across the gravel path just a few meters. We meet face to face, him at the bottom of the steps, me one stair above the ground. I notice with a little dismay that with the added step, I'm only a few inches taller than him.

Alexander smiles at me, taking my hand and pulling me down the last step. I'm shorter than him again, and we're standing very close together. "Hi,"

"Hi," I manage to return, my face turning red. I can hear my heart beating fast against my ribcage, and I almost want to take a step backwards. I don't though, taking a deep breath instead and focusing on the feeling of his hand on mine. 

"You ready to go?" He asks, tilting his head. I nod and he turns, still holding my hands as he guides me through campus, and out onto the main street. We wander, moving slowly past storefronts, but it's clear that Alexander has a destination in mind. He stops outside of a thrift store, pulling me to a stop beside him, and looks up at it thoughtfully.

"Is this where you're getting your costume?" I ask, glancing at the windows, overcrowded with mismatched items and cluttered with various signs detailing 'Sale!' or '2 for the price of 1!'.

Alexander shrugs, looking from the window to the door and back again. "It could work,"

"Only one way to find out," I say, and he shoots me a grin before pulling me towards the door.


Three more stores and a lot of time later, Alexander has what he thinks he'll need. He bought a white poet's shirt and a regal-looking long suit jacket in purple. He told me the names of the items he was looking for so I could help before I kindly reminded him that I wear a hoodie and jeans every day and have no clue what a poet's shirt is. He laughed and began pointing the style of items out as we shopped, though I still wasn't much help. As we head down the street together, he tells me that it still has to be approved by the director. I assure him that even if he doesn't have what he needs, it was still worth going shopping with him.

Alexander carries his bag full of clothes in one hand and holds my hand in his other. We walk side by side, heading back towards campus in a roundabout route. Alexander stops every now and then outside a few shop windows, gazing in at the contents with a passing interest. I drift along beside him, my mind wandering.

At one point, Alexander stops. "Wait here," He says, before taking off down a side street. I call out after him, confused, but he's already gone. I wait for him, leaning against the side of a building with my arms crossed over my chest. I gaze at passersby, worried they'll think I'm loitering, but no one pays any attention to me. After a few minutes, Alexander returns, and I have to do a double-take at what he's holding.

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