13- Locked Out

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I don't have a problem with rain. I prefer sunnier weather, just like everyone else, but rain is fine. Storms, on the other hand... I turn the volume on my music up, trying to ignore the voice bitterly telling me that it's not going to help. I'm beginning to wonder if that is why I can't concentrate on my homework, not because of the roaring weather outside. Storms are not fine. When your view is obscured by the pouring water and you can't hear anything because of the sound of raindrops above you. I have a problem with that. There are times... Times when I'll see a car speed by too fast through the rain... Or when I'll feel the wetness soaking through my skin and into my bones... or when-

A sickening crash.

Or when it thunders.

I do my best to just tune it out, listen to some music, ignore it. I close the curtains and stay inside as much as possible. I can't fall apart each time the weather acts up. Not that I necessarily fall apart-

Shut up and do your work, moron.

I try to ignore the sound of the thunderstorm outside, forcing myself to focus on the studying materials I have in front of me. Pens, papers, textbook... With difficulty, I pull my hand back to the paper, my eyes and brain straining to understand the words scrawled across the textbook in front of me. My pen writes those same words in my notes, not helping me to understand. I jump as thunder rumbles outside again. My pen shakes on the page, smudging my writing, and I can feel the tremors that shake the room coursing through my body.

'It's fine,' I tell myself, putting the pen down for a brief moment to take a breath of air. 'It's not even a severe thunderstorm.'

I jump again as my music cuts itself off, just a second before my phone started ringing. I just stare at it, like I've never heard a phone ring before. Alexanders name lights up my screen. 'Why is he calling me?' I worry, still not picking up the phone.

Maybe because he's your boyfriend.

'But why didn't he just text? What's happening, what does he have to say? Why couldn't he just text me?'

I realize I'm overthinking this. The phone has been ringing for too long now, it's going to turn off-

I pick it up.


"Micheal!" He sounds tired but relieved. I hear the rain drumming down around him through the phone. "H-hey, um... This is a bit- I don't want to bother you but... I need to ask you something... a-a favour."

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. I wait for him to continue, but he doesn't. I break the silence, asking again, "Alexander?" I can hear the concern in my voice and wonder when it got there. "Are you outside?"

"Yeah, I, um..." He trails off again, and for a moment all I can hear is the rain and his breathing through the speaker. "It's a long story," He finally says, and his voice comes through heavily. "Look, I don't want to intrude, and I know you're still nervous and I don't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable, but I just, I- I can't-" He cuts himself off, breathing deeply and unsteadily. His voice, so far from its usual calming and confident nature, has my heart hammering in my chest.

"What is it?"

"Can I... Can I stay with you tonight?"

"I-" I stop as thunder rumbles outside again, sounding doubled through my phone. "Yes, of course- Where are you?"

"I'm on my way," Is all he says.

"Alexander-" I start, but the quiet that's filled the other end of the line stops me short. I look down at my phone. Did he just hang up on me? I stare at it and then turn to look at the rest of the room uncertainly. It's so small, where is he going to sleep? I clean my desk and try to move things to create as much space as possible. It doesn't help. Disorientated with anxiety, I see more than feel myself knocking on Taren's door.

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