Recrutment ✔️

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"I have an idea." Natasha said as she looked down at Tony.
"Me too." he said as he looked back up at her. "Where's yours?"
"Downstairs, where's yours?"



"Come on Pete!" I say as I run skip down the hall backwards.
"Okay okay, give me a minute." He said as he grabs the keys and tossed them to me. I caught the keys and unlocked the door.
"Hey May." Peter and I say as we walk in.
"Hey," she says back as Peter puts down something he grabbed earlier. "How was school you two?"
"It was great!" I said as I grabbed two apples. "Heads!" I yell as I throw an apple at Peter. He catches it and then replies to aunt May.
"It was okay," I walk towards the living room but then slowly stop when I saw something- more like someone, in our living room.
"Hey there's this crazy car parked outside.." he says as he stops too.
Tony Stark was sitting in our living room.

"Oh Mr and Miss Parker." Stark said as he turned to look at us.
Peter decided to be the first one to talk, which didn't go as planned.
"Umm, what- what are you -hey I'm peter" He stutters out.
"Tony, and you are?" He ask as he looked at me.
"(Y/N)." I said and he nodded.
"What are you- what are you doing here?" Peter stammered.
"It's about time we met." Tony says, "You guys did get my e-mails right?" I gave him a questionable look and he winks at me and I realize, he wants us to play along.
"Oh yes regarding the-" I said before I was cut off by aunt May.
"You didn't even tell me about the grant!"
"About the grant," Peter says as he try's to catch on.
"September foundation." Tony says.
"Right, yeah." Peter says.
"Remember when you guys applied?" Tony's asks us.
"Sure." -we say.
"I approved! So now, we're in business." Tony says as he drinks something from his cup.
"You guys didn't tell me anything! What's up with that? Are you guys keeping secrets from me?" aunt May pushes.
"I just-" Peter started
"We know how much you like surprises" I said for him.
"And so we thought we would let you know.." Peter trailed off. "Anyway, what did we apply for?" Peter said
"That's what I'm here to answer." Tony said quickly
"Okay ah hash it out." peter says as he starts to rock on his heels in discomfort.
"It's, so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt." I scrunch my nose at his comment.
"Well they come in all shapes and sizes you know" Aunt May says as she looks down.
"This women's date loaf is exceptional" Tony says.
"Let me just stop you there, is this grant got.. like money involved or whatever.." peter ask as I then elbow him in the ribs.
"Yeah it's pretty well funded, I mean look who your talking to." Tony said.
"I'm not even sure if what I'm seeing is real" I say. Tony smirks at my comment and his shoulders bounce once in a silent chuckle. He then turns to Aunt May.
"Can I have five minutes with them?"
I get up from leaning on the wall and start walking down the hall toward Peter and i's bedroom.

As I sit on our bunk bed Tony comes in and locks the door behind him and then spit out some food that aunt May had given him.
"As walnut date loafs go that wasn't bad." Tony said. He then turned towards the desk in our room. "Ohh what do we have here. Retro tech huh. Drift store, Salvation Army?"
"Ah the um garbage actually-" Peter says
"So you're a dumpster diver" Tony questions. I snickered and tony looked over and smiled.
"Yeah I was.. anyway" Peter said "umm look we definitely did not apply for your grant-"
"Na-uh, me first." Tony interrupted. "Quick question of the torkoal variety," he then holograms a video. "That's you right."
Peter gives me a quick side glance of nervousness.
"Umm no, what are y-" Peter said before he was cut off by Tony, again.
"Yeah, look at you go" he says as video peter caught the car. "Wow nice catch. 3,000 pounds 40 miles an hour, it's not easy." He then turns to me.
"And don't think I forgot about you." He pulls up a video of me fighting some bad guys. As the video me pulls out little things I like to call Sleep Shards and throws them at the bad people. Tony smirks. "That's just amazing, what's even in that?" As I was about to answer him Peter brushes past to the desk.
"That's all from YouTube though right? I mean that's where you found it because that's all fake. It's all done on the computer. It's like that video,"
"Mmmmhum" Tony says as he wanders. "Yeah yeah yeah you mean like those ufos over Phoenix." My eyes widen as he pokes a stick at the trap door above our room, making our suits fall. Peter quickly grabs them and hides them. He then try's to play it cool. I hop out of the bed and start to walk towards them.
Tony looks at Peter and I. "So, you guys are like this spider-lings. Crime-fighting spiders. Spider-boy and Spider-girl?" I roll my eyes and Peter looks down at the floor.
"Arachnid and Spider-Man." I said and I nudge Peters shoulder. "Completely original right." I say as Peter puts his hand on his chest to mock a fake shocked expression.
"Not in the onesie your not." Tony says.
"It's not a onesie" Peter mutters as he walks away from Tony and I. I cross my arms and lean against the closet corner.
Tony then picks the suits up as peter goes on and on about his day was great up to now. He looks at me and then asks "Who else knows, anybody?" I bite my lip and shake my head. "Nobody." I replied.
"Not even your unusually attractive aunt?" He asks.
"No! No no,no no. If she knew she would freak!" I say as I run a hand through my hair, thinking about what Aunt Mays reaction would be like to that.
"And when she freaks out we freak out and.." Peter trails.
"You know what I think is really cool?" Tony says while I look out the window. "This webbing." He then throws it at Peter but I spin around and catch it. Tony then studies me. "Tensile strength is off the charts." He says to me as I return to a relaxed position and toss the webbing to Peter. "Who manufacture that?" Tony asks.
"I did." Peter says as he throws it back to its hiding spot.
"Climbing walls, how you guys doing that? Adhesive gloves? Kill crystals- what happens there?" Tony questions.
"They are not kill crystals." I say as walk around. "They're Sleep Shards. Made them myself."
"Does Spidey-boy have them?" Tony asks. Peter then groans and I smirk.
"He wishes." I say
"She won't even give me a hint on what the formula is." Peter says. "The other stuff is a long story."
"Lordy! Can you even see out of these?" Tony says as he looks through the goggles of Peters suit.
"Yes yes I can see in those it's just that..whatever that happened to us happened and now it's like our senses have been dialed to 11." Peter say and I nod in agreement. "There's way to much input so they just kind of help to focus."
"You guys are in dire need of an upgrade, systematic top to bottom. 100 point restoration, that's why I'm here." Tony says as Peter and I sit on the bottom bed. Tony then looks at us straight in the eye.
"Why are you guys doing this? I gotta know what's your MO, what gets you out of that bunk bed in the morning?" Peter then goes on about his motive with caring for the little guy and stuff that he's thought of for the last six months. When he starts to come to a stop with his explanation I look at Tony and then towards the floor.
"I get up to make sure I have my twins back. After everything that's happened, family is the most important thing that I don't want to be tampered with. And I know that even if I told him not to go out and fight, he'll do it anyway. So I go out and help. That and the thought of helping others gets me out of this bunk bed." When I glance at Tony I see that he's spaced off as I see the understanding look in his eyes. Tony then stands up from his chair and slowly wanders over.
"I'm gonna sit here so you scoot over." He says. Tony then sits in between you too. He then hesitated as he makes a hard pat on Peter's shoulder and a gentle squeeze on my shoulder. "Got passports?" He asked.
"Heh no I don't even have a drivers license." Peter replied.
"You ever been to Germany?" He asks as he glances at you.
"No" I say.
"Oh you'll love it."
"We can't go to Germany." I say back still confused on why he asked and why he would even take us.
"Why not" He asks.
"We got.. homework." Peter says. I roll my eyes so hard they almost hurt and Tony stood there looking at him like he was stupid.
"I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just say that." Tony says as he get up from the bed.
"He's got the start to a point tho, we can't drop out of school." I say as I stand up as well.
"It might be a bit dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm take you guys on a felid trip-" He said as He grabbed the door handle. Peter then shot up and shot his web.
"Don't tell Aunt May." We say at the same time.
"Okay, could you like, get me out of this?" Tony asks. I slightly chuckle as I grab the scissors. "Your lucky to have a great older sister you know that." Tony says to Peter as I start cutting the web. I light up and pump my fist in the air as Peter groans. Tony gives us a confused look.
"She's younger than me by 30 seconds." Peter says as his looks down and digs for his wallet.
"And that means Peter has to pay the Piper." I say as I grab the five dollar bill from his hand. "That's what, the fourth time that's happed this month? If this continues I'm gonna be competition for Stark here." I smile as I cut the last piece of web from Tony's hand. He chuckles at the commentary and then heads out the door.

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