Scolding ✔️

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Tony's POV
As soon as Y/N ended the call I gathered up my things, made a few calls and bolted to the location that Y/N's tracker gave me. I flew as hard as I could until I got there. When I did get there the boat was tearing in half and I saw Peter but not Y/N.
"Friday where's Y/N?" I ask.
"She has been located on the southeast side of the boat." The IA reports. I quickly fly to the southeast side and spot someone laying against a pole.
"Oh no, god please no." I fly down and see Y/N still fully in her suit. I take a look at her and see blood trickling from her body. I kneel down next to her. I then softly take off her mask so I could see her face and put the mask up on my own suit.
"No, no, no. Kid, kid. Stay with me here." I say as I start to panic, not knowing what to do. She gave me a small smile.
"Did you come here to sign those adoption papers?" She joked. I could tell she was in kind of a daze.
"We got to get you out of here first before we talk about it. You did good kid." I said as I hold her in my arms. She lays her head ageists my chest and stays there in silence.
"Friday, get a suit and a medical team set." I say softly.
"Already on it." Friday says.
Then one of my suits came along and I kissed the top of her head.
"Don't die on me. We still have to talk about those Sleep Shards." I say.
She was then taken by the suit. I took a sharp breath and put my mask down. I was pissed now.
I turn to the boat to see fire, lose webs and Peter struggling to hold the boat together.
I move to the side of the boat and start to use my thrusters to put the boat back together.
"What the-"
"Oh hi, Spider-Man." I said. "Band practice, was it?"
I called my Mini thrusters and they helped push the boat together. Once it's secure, I start to fuse the boat back together and Spidey fallows.
"Uh Mr. Stark." The kid says as I continue to work. "Hey Mr. Stark can I do anything? What do you want me to do?" He asks.
"I think you've done enough." I say as I fly away from him.

I later find Peter sitting on the edge of a building and fly to him.
"Previously on Peter screws the pooch. I tell you to stay away from this, instead you hacked a multi million dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." I scolded him.
"Is everyone okay." He asks. I pause for a moment.
"Not exactly." I say with voice soft but loud enough for him to hear. "Thanks to you."
He hangs his head.
"Thanks to me? Those weapons where out their and I tried to tell you but you didn't listen. None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me." He said as he got up and gradually got closer to me.
"If you even cared you'd actually be here." He said to me. That was the last straw for me.
I then step out of the suit and towards him as he back stepped. I look him dead in the eye.
"I did listen kid. Who do you think called the FBI? Huh. Did you know I was the only one who believed In you everyone else said I was crazy to recruit 14 year old kids." I said.
"I'm 15." He interrupts.
"No. This is where you zip it!" I raise my voice.
"The adult is talking. What if someone had died tonight? Different story right, cause that's on you. And if you died, I'd feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscious." I say. He then starts to apologize.
"Sorry doesn't cut it."
"I just wanted to be like you." He says.
"And I wanted you to be better." I fire at him. "Okay. It's not working out, I'm gonna need the suit back." I say. He starts to plead and protest.
"No! Shut it. I've made my decision. You know I let it slip the first time but I can't now." I say.
"What- what do you mean." He stutters.
"Your sister. She was the only one that got hurt. And I believe she got hurt doing the one thing she said from the start, protecting you." I say as I drop a bombshell of news on him. He looks to the side as if he almost doesn't believe it.
I look down at the floor and then back at him.
"She can't go home with you Peter. Not after you risked her twice. I can't let that slide or happen again. She's going to the new Avengers facility to be examined. She's most likely going to be put in a medically induced comma while we run tests on her. Ya know, with being hit with alien tech and all that jazz. It will give her a nice break." I say.
"Break from what?" He asks.
"A break from the hero stuff. A break from you. You know, you've really got your sister paranoid you know that right. She's left us a message once and when she did, almost all she did was apologize. She apologized for your constant calls to Happy and even apologized for messaging him herself." I say. I look at the kid and see tears slowly roll down his cheeks. "Look, I'm sorry kid. I need the suit back. We can't take anymore risks. Your sister isn't there to protect you or help you out anymore." I say as I myself try to calm down.
He looked up at me with a little redness in his eyes.
"I don't have anything else to wear." He says.
"We can arrange something." I say.

Hours later I go in and check on Y/N. She was changed into a hospital gown and she had bandages wrapped around her torso up to her chest.
I sit in a chair that's in her room and gently stroke her hair. She really did feel like a daughter to me.
"Hey Y/N," I say. "I heard that people in comas can still hear you even tho they are, ya know, in a coma. I really hope it works. When you wake up I'm going to quiz you. So make sure you take notes." I say with a small chuckle. I held back my tears.
"It feels so weird having you here in front of me yet having it so quiet. I miss your sassy comebacks." I confess. I look to the floor as I hold onto her still hand.
"God, I can't do this." I say as I get up. I pace around the room.
I then see something that catches my eye. Her suit was laying abandoned in the corner. I take a quick glance at her and then decide to take the suit.
"I'll be back. Just gonna go invade your privacy by watching your video diaries." I say with a slight smile as I walk to my office.

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