Monument Mayham✔️

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The next morning was the day of the competition. I quickly wake up and get ready for the day. As I walk out of the bathroom I see M.j on her bed still getting used to being conscious. She looks at me puzzled.
"What happened to your neck?" She asks. My hand immediately goes to cover my neck.
"I think it's just a rash." I say. She raises and eyebrow at me and I look at her pleadingly, silently asking her to drop it. She nods and we carry on. As soon as we are ready I head out with M.j.
I walk to Ned and Peter's room.
"Ned, Peter. We're gonna be late come on let's go." I say.
"Okay uhh, hold on hold on." I hear from inside the room.
"Come on, lets ditch them. I'm sure they can find there way." M.j said while pulling on my arm impatiently. Ned then walked out of the room while closing the door behind him.
"Where's Peter?" I ask.
"Uhhh he umm said he'd be out in a minute and to go ahead without him." Ned said.
"Umm Okay. Let's go then. I want to see if they have anything good in the gift shops." I say.

We all gather up and do a roll call. When Peter's name is called there is no response. I look to Ned.
"Didn't you say he was coming." M.j said.
"Yeah that's what he told me." Ned said. I started to get worried.
"I'll look around for him. You guys go ahead, don't want you to be late." I say. They nod.
"I guess your back on Flash." The club director said.
I made my way back to Peter's shared hotel room and when I got their it was locked.
"Of corse it's locked idiot, this is a hotel." I mutter to myself.
I look around and see that nobody was around. I quickly whip out my phone and hack into the hotel's locking system. I clicked a few buttons and made it so any card would unlock the door for a hot second. I quickly swipe my card and walk inside before closing the door behind me.
"Pete! Are you here?" I get nothing but silence.
I look around the room and see something on the lamp. A quickly made my way over to it and picked the thin thing.
"Darn it!" I say aloud as I recognize it. It was Tony's tracker. I had seen it but never thought of taking it off of a suit.
I frantically look around the place. Under beds. In cabinets but I got nothing. Peter's suit wasn't in his room and neither was Peter.
I sigh and go to my own room and grab my suit. I then text M.j saying that I couldn't find Peter and that I was going to look around the streets for him.
"Good morning Y/N." I hear Carol say as I activate my suit.
"Hey Carol. I need you to track down Peter. Also, set a reminder to call Happy about Peter's tracker." I say.
"Right away." She says. "I've tracked him. He's heading towards the Washington Monument."
"What's he doing there?" I say. I then swing out of the window and make my way towards the monument.
When I arrive there everyone is panicked and I see Peter climbing the monument.
"Carol What's going on?" I say as I try to analyze the problem.
"A Chitauri core has detonated and caused an elevator to become damage. It has become unsafe for the passengers on the elevator." She said.
"A what?" I say but get no answer.
I stayed on the ground for a little bit while I watch my brother get to a window of the tower.
"Carol show me what's happening." I say.
"Activating enhanced vision." The AI said.
I then could see what Peter was doing.
"Carol is he trying to entering at the most logical opening?" I ask as I watch Peter try to break through the glass.
"Yes." She responds. I notice the police show up including helicopters. He then makes it to the top of the tower.
"What the-"
Peter then flips over the helicopter. My eyes widen as he then shoots into the window, making it break.
"Good job." I say under my breath with pride as follow close behind with getting into the window.
When I get there most of the people are out. Peter is hanging on to the elevator with webs and Liz is still in the elevator.
Then all of a sudden the weak metal of the elevator breaks and it falls. I push people out of the way to get to the elevator opening. I then shoot my web and catch Liz by the hand.
"Sorry I'm a little late to the party. Spider-Man here didn't exactly invite me." I say as I glance at Peter.
I start to pull Liz up and as soon as she is close enough I grab her hand and pull her up the rest of the way. She then stairs at Peter and he stairs back.
"Okay Spidey, let get going." I say just as he was about to move his web broke and he falls.
I sigh and turn towards the crowd behind me. They are all awestruck.
"I better follow him. Take care. Arachnid out." I say with a salute as I fall backwards down the empty elevator shoot.
"Are you really friends with Peter Parker!?" I hear Flash yell. I smiled and continued to fall. Then right as I was about to hit the ground, I shot a web at the walls making it slow my fall as I gracefully landed on my feet.
I saw Peter laying on his back on the ground. I walked over to him.
"You are so grounded." I say.
"You aren't my aunt." He says.
"That's because she can't know about this. And I know for a fact that if she did, she would ground you. Their for, you are grounded." I say. He groans. "Your such a trader. I tell you to not go off and you do it anyways. Right behind my back! I'm trying to protect you Pete." I say. Then I sigh with disappointment.

Quickly, Peter and I change and run into the group. They hug us and start yapping about stuff.
"Where were you guys" they asked.
"I was looking for Peter remember. I ran into him. How are you guys? You seemed startled." I say. They then tell us all about the elevator accident as we make our way back to the bus.
Peter and I wait in silence until we see aunt May. She then brings us in for a group hug and kisses both of our foreheads.

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