Video Recording #4 ✔️

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Peter, Stark and I where all in the back seat of a limo with Tony sitting in between the two of us. Peter then, again, pulls out his camera.
"What are you doing a little video diary?" I hear tony ask.
"Peter nooo-" I complain.
"Yeah." Peter responds to Tony.
"That's alright." Tony says back. "I do the same thing." This comment surprised me a little. Peter and I both make video diary's but I keep mine private while Peter is more open and public about them.
"I told him not to." Happy says from the front. "He was filming. I'm gonna wipe the chip."
"-Okay" Tony says. "Hey you know what? We should actually make an alibi video for your guy's aunt anyway. You guys ready?"
"An alibi? Sure. Okay." Peter responds.
"I'm sure aunt May will appreciate that." I say.
"We rolling? Get in the frame guys." Tony says.
I quickly brush my hand through my hair to help if there was any strays or tangles and then scotch closer to try to get into the camera's view.
"Hey May, how are you doing? What are you wearing? Something skimpy, I hope." Tony says and then laughs. Peter and I both give him a confused look. "That's inappropriate. Let's just start over. You can edit that." Peter hums for an answer as we starts over.
"Okay 3-2-1. Hey May! My gosh uhh I just wanted to tell you what an incredible job you niece and nephew did. This weekend. At the Stark. Internship retreat. Everyone was impressed-" Tony was then interrupted by some traffic noise.
"Oh come on!" Happy yells which turns our attention to him. Tony then says something to Happy that I didn't hear. Tony turned to the camera.
"See Happy is hopping to get bumped up to asset management. You see he was head of security and before that he was just a driver." He said. Happy then turns around.
"That was a privet conversation. I don't like joking about this it was hard for me to talk to you about it." Happy said. I gave him a small sympathetic smile.
"No seriously was he snoring a bunch?" Tony asks. We start to swerve and then park.
"Happy could you give us a moment?" Tony asked.
"You want me to leave the car?" Happy questioned.
"Why don't you grab their cases from the trunks." Tony suggests. Happy then leaves the car.
He turn and looks at Peter and I.
"I want you guys to keep the suits." He says as he looks and me and then at Peter.
Peter slowly lowers his camera.
"We can keep the suits?" Peter asked almost not believing it.
"Yes that was we were just talking about." Tony responds. Tony then puts on his sunglasses and clears his throat. He looks over at Peter.
"Do me a favor tho, Happy is kind of your point guy in this. Don't stress him out. Don't do anything stupid. Alright?" Tony says. Peter takes it in for a small second.
"Yes." Peter says
"Don't do anything I would do. And definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little gray area in their and that's where you guys operate." He instructs as he look back and forth in between Peter and I.
"Does that mean I'm an Avenger?" Peter asks.
"No." Tony answers. Then Happy knocks on the window and holds up our suit cases.
"Seventh floor." Tony tells Happy.
"We can take them up." I say to Happy.
"You gonna take it?" He asks.
"Yep." I say with a nod.
"Thank you."
"No problem." I say.
Happy then sets down the suit cases.
"So uhh when's our next when's our next 'retreat' ya know like." Peter says with air quotes.
"What next mission?" Tony asks.
"Uh ya the missions, the missions." Peter stutters.
"We'll call you." Tony states.
"You have our numbers?" I questioned.
"No I mean we'll call you. Someone will call you." Tony say.
"Alright" we say.
"Okay." Tony says as he reaches over to get the door. Peter unfortunately takes the message wrong and thought it was a hug.
"Not a hug I'm just grabbing the door for you. We're not there yet." Tony says. Peter gets out of the car and I go to grab the handle on my side.
"Hold up." Tony says as he places a hand in my leg, trying to keep me there.
I stop and relax back into the seat.
"I just want to say, you did an amazing job today kid. You got potential and I'm looking forward to working with you in the future." He says with a smile.
I smile back. "Thanks. I'm glad to have been given a shot at this hero stuff." I say.
"Oh and also, I know all the hero stuff is crazy but after all of it, just continue being yourself. That little gray area." He advises.
I nod and then smirk. "I don't think I'll be getting a hug tho am I." I say. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"It was at least worth a try." I say as I get out of the car.
I swiftly pick up my suit case and wave bye to the car as it drives away.

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