Tracker and Sleep Weapons ✔️

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After the next school day had ended Peter dragged me back to the apartment and to our room saying it was something important.
Ned was already in our room when I got there and was holding up some holographic map.
"Ok, so, what's this all about?" I ask.
"So today at school one of those bad guys from last night, ya know the ones that tried to kill us and stuff. Ya they came to our school and I put a tracker on them, we're going to see where they are going." Peter says. I quickly put my hand to cover the side of my neck at the mention of the guys from last night.
"Oh ya, I heard about that." Ned said. "Are you okay Y/N? Peter didn't tell me everything that happened." I cleared my throat as I remember the burning that used to be in my throat.
"Uhh Yeah, it was just, very scary." I said. Ned nods. "Anyways, I've got plans. Call me when you get anything and then wait for me." I say as I point a finger at Peter. I then walk out of the room and close the door.
"I'm going out! Bye aunt May!" I yell as I walk out of the apartment. I then went to my hide out.

I change into my suit but don't test it out yet. Instead, I walk over to my work bench.
"Let's see, I first need stock up on the Sleep Shards and then we can get to the new designs." I say out loud to myself. I pull out the formula for my new Sleep Shards. They were longer and thinner than the last but made the person sleep for 6 hours. I set out the ingredients and mix them up. I then put them in a mold to give them their final form. While I wait for the batch to harden I look at my pages and pages of ideas for new weapons.
I had ideas for pistols that shoot the shards to staffs that would have one shard on the end that could stab multiple people to sleep before you had to change the shard. The number of ideas that I had scribbled down made me stress a little bit. I picked out two projects and shoved the rest of the sketches and blueprints in a drawer.
I then laid them both out flat on my work bench. I was gonna work on the Shard Pistol and a weapon belt that would hold all my weapons. I pinned them and looked around for materials that could be used.

After a while of looking I don't find much and figure I'll just have to go to the store later.
I then walk into the "safe zone" of my space.
"Activate Training Wheels protocol." I say out loud. "Hello again Carol."
"Evening Y/N. What will we be working on today?" The AI asks.
"I would like to work on my webbing." I say.
"Okay. But before you do that you asked me to quiz you on the combat training from last session."
"Ahh yes. Fire away." I say.

After the combat pop quiz and a short session on my different webs, I get a call from Peter.
"The guys stopped. We know where they are." Peter said through the phone.
"Peter, that's great! Just call Mr. Stark or Happy and give them the location." I say as I put the phone between my shoulder and ear.
"What! Wait, why?" He asked.
"What do you mean why. You heard Mr. Stark right Peter. You contact him about it and then you let it go. Move on." I say.
"Why would I let this go?" He says back.
"Do you even remembered what happened last time Peter!? We almost died! I'm not going to allow you to die on me." I yell back at the phone. It's quite on the other line for a bit.
"Okay, I'll forget about it." He says.
"Good." I say back.
"By the way, I'm planning on going to the Academic Decathlon." He says. My ears perk when he says that.
"Really! You're finally going to let loose?" I ask.
"Yep, But your going to need to be home-"
"Nonsense! I have to go watch my twin. Besides I don't get to do it often." I say. "I'll tell my teachers. I'm sure they'll be fine with it since I'm already done with all of my homework."
"But what about-"
"The city? I'm sure we can give the police a shot at doing their jobs for one night." I say. I hear him sigh on the other end. "What? Embarrassed that your little sister is going to be cheering you on?" I tease.
"No. You should probably get home though or aunt May will start to worry." He says.
"Okay, on my way." I say as I hang up and start to pack up.

Peter's POV.
I put down the phone down and sigh.
"What happened dude." Ned asked.
"Y/N is coming along with to DC. I told her about the bad guys and she thinks we should tell Mr. Stark." I say.
"So what are we going to do?" Ned asked.
"We're going after the bad guys obviously. Don't tell Y/N. She would kill me if she found out I went behind her back." I say.

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