Boat Fight✔️

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I quickly made my way to the boat, jumped on and stuck to the side.
"Carol, keep a dot on Peter. I want to know where his is." I say to her.
"Alright." She says. "Income call from May Parker. Should I answer it?" She asks.
"No. Can you text her instead?" I ask.
"Sure thing. What would you like to say?"
"Tell her that I'm with Peter right now and we're a bit busy." I say.
"Message sent."
I then crawl to the top and look down to see the dealer guys and above them Peter.
"Can you do a facial recognition?" I ask Carol softly.
"The guy on the left is Mc Gergen. He has Extensive crime records like homicide. Would you like me to activate enhanced combat mode?" She asks.
"Though that would be fun I'll have to pass on that offer this time. I'm hoping that we all get out of here with arrests and not murders." I say.
"Incoming call from Tony Stark." Carol says. Tony then appears on the side of my screen.
"Mrs. Parker. Got a minute or two?" He asks.
"Not really but shoot." I say.
"Nice work in DC. My dad never really gave me a lot of support and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame." He says.
"Is this your way of saying you want to adopt me? Cause If so you'll have to talk to aunt May first."
"I just trying to compliment you. Anyway-"
"I'm sorry for cutting you off but did Happy update you on what's happening?" I ask.
"Happy? No. What's going on?" He asked as he got serious.
"Peter took your tracker off his suit and he's going after those guys you told him not to go after. I'm sorry I didn't follow direction but it's for Peter's safety. I still have my tracker on so you can come join us for a nice cup of tea if you'd like." I say. "I've got to go now, sorry Tony." I say as I end the call.
I then look down and notice Peter had already sprung into action.
"I got to say, the other guy was way better with that thing." I hear Peter say. I jump down.
"No kidding. I'm honestly shocked." I say. Peter looks at me.
"How do you keep finding me?" He asks lowly.
"Starks not the only one that but a tracker on you." I say with a shrug. He shakes his head at me.
He then web bombs a guy and we turn to see one guy standing. We we're about to head over to him when suddenly,
"Freeze! FBI. Don't move." We hear. People appear around us with guns. "Get on the ground! FBI." I quickly put my hands up and look around for a plan.
Then the Vulture appeared with one of those high tech weapons. The FBI agents started to shoot at him but it didn't do anything.
"Get out of the way. Get out of the way." Peter warned. The Vulture then shot the weapon and it almost hit Peter.
"Look out! Move, move, move!" I say as I pull people from the path of the flying car.
The Vulture flew up and continued to shot the purple weapon. Peter tried to web a guy who was getting away but the web didn't last long.
I threw a sleep shard but a blast came and made me miss by a few inches.
Peter then catches the Vulture's foot and the FBI agents continued to shoot. The Vulture then powers the weapon and starts shooting wild.
"Can you get him with a shard?" Peter yells.
"No. It's not a straight shoot." I yell back.
Peter connects the web to a car so he could let go.
Peter and I continue to jump and dodge the shots. Peter then webs the weapon and brings it down to the boat. My eyes widen as I start to run to him. I don't make it far as the gun shoots wildly and hits me in the side. I stumble to the ground but then get back up with a slight limp.
Peter then webs the weapon making it stop shooting.
"You're messing with things you don't understand." The Vulture says as he flies off. The gun then starts glowing and sends beams all over the place. Another beam hits me straight in the stomach. It takes the breath out of me and sends me back into a pole.
It ached everywhere. My vision blurred and the only thing clear was my body when I looked down. I looked at my fingers in a daze. I spotted specks of red. I then looked down and saw that my suit was torn through an blood was coming out. I coughed at the dryness in my throat.
"Carol.. what's the damage?" I ask in a raspy voice as I close my eyes from the brightness.
"You have been hit in the abdomen twice. Once on the right side near your ribs and once straight in the stomach." Carol said in a soft voice. I swallowed.
"Hey Carol,"
"Is Peter safe?" I ask.
"Yes." She answers.
"Good. Can you help keep me awake? I don't care what you have to do but I want to stay awake. You can give me little shocks to keep me awake if you want." I say as I look around me. I could feel the boat tilt and sway but at this moment it didn't matter.
Then I see a out line of a person. My vision starts to clear as they kneel down to me.
"No, no, no. Kid, kid. Stay with me here." I hear. I turn a see the face of Tony. I gave a small sympathetic smile.
"Did you come here to sign those adoption papers?" I ask jokingly.
"We got to get you out of here first before we talk about it. You did good kid." He says as he holds me. I lay my head ageists his chest and just stared off.
"Friday, get a suit and a medical team set." I hear Tony say.
"Already on it." I hear faintly from Tony's suit. Then a suit came along.
Tony kisses the top of my head.
"Don't die on me. We still have to talk about those Sleep Shards." He said. I was then taken by the suit. I looked at Tony and see a sad look on his face. He then puts down his helmet and shoots off. I look up to the sky and slowly close my eyes.

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