Do it for Her ✔️

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I quickly lift up the locker and grabbed my suit. I then notice Y/N's old suit. I gently touch it.
"This is for you sis." I say out loud to myself.

After that in summary, I fought the Shocker, stole Flash's car and after a while I tracked the Vulture/ Liz's dad into a building.
"Hey! Surprised?" I yell when I find him.
"Oh hey Pete. I didn't hear you come in." He said casually.
"It's over, I got you." I say.
"Ya know, I got to tell you Pete. I really admire your grip." He says. "I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house I wasn't sure. I thought, really? But now I get it." He says.
"How could you do this to her." I say.
"I'm not doing anything to her, I'm doing it for her." He says.
"Huh." I say as I web something. He sighs as the object tips over.
"Beer." He simply states referring to the object.
"Peter your young, you don't understand how the world works." He says.
"Yeah But I do know one thing." I say. "You've tried to kill my sister, twice. I may not have hurt your family but you've hurt mine. And you're right, family is the most important thing. My sister even went by that saying. But you know what the difference is here." I say as I walk closer to him. "You're buying yourself a fight to protect your family, my sister put herself in harms way to protect hers. You've been getting yourself into a lot of trouble."
"What are you saying here Pete?" He asks.
"What I'm say here is:
Ive come here to Avenge my sister." I say.
"Maybe you're right." He says as he looks down. "It's bad what I've done but, thanks for giving me time." He says. I look at him confused. Then from behind me I hear a strange noise. I turn around and see the wings from earlier. They start flying around and I dodge and flip around it.
"I'm sorry Peter." he said.
"What are you talking about that thing hasn't even touched me yet." I say.
"True but then again it wasn't really trying to." He said. The wings then smash into pillars and the building falls on me.

I wake up and feel extreme pain. I notice I'm stuck in between rocks and concrete. I take off my mask so I can breath better and start to panic. My breathing gets off as I yell for help. I try to lift it off me but it's no use.
I steady my breathing and look into a puddle that my mask was laying in. My face reflects off it.
"She got hurt doing the one thing she said from the start, protecting you." I could hear Mr. Starks voice eco in my head.
"Come on Peter. Do it for her. Do it for her." I encouraged myself as I struggled to lift the price of building off myself.

I finally get it off and see the Vulture perched on a big sign. He starts to move and I move after him and shot a web at his wings.
I was then pulled with him and we hit the underside of a plane.
"Ohh my god." I say at the impact. I then climb the plane as all of my webs struggle to work. I then kick at a thing that the Vulture left. It flys off and I start to climb.
"Just your typical homecoming, on the outside, of an invisible plane, fighting my girlfriend's dad." I say as I cling to the plane.
The plane then starts to get destroyed and starts to go down. I then see it going towards the city and I turned it. The plane landed in a side part of land. I fly off the plane as it crashes and all I see is smoke and fire.
I slowly sit up and take my mask. My ears ring and I stumbled as I got up the rest of the way.
I then get hit and my hearing clears. We start fighting again but then he gets aggressive. He punches me and repeatedly slams my head to the ground. I start to feel numb as he picks me up but he then stops for a second and drops me.
I then look up and see him trying to carry something away but his suit is malfunction and sparking.
"No wait." I yell. I then struggle but shoot a web and tried to pull him.
"It's time to let go." He says.
"I'm trying to save your life." I say. Even tho he did hurt my sister, I can't let a family suffer.
He then cuts off the web and his suit shortly after falls to the ground taking him with as flames burst out.
I quickly made my way though the fire. I grab him and take him to a space clearer. We both fall and cough. I get up and look down at him.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"Sorry doesn't exactly cut it." I say.

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