Fighting "The Avengers"✔️

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I get a tingle in my spine and straighten up.
Somethings about to happen. I swing back towards where Peter was.
I could see people opening and robbing a bank. Peter was swinging there without me.
"Oh yes Spider-Man. Please go right ahead of me. It's not like I'm gonna have to save your butt anyways." I say with full sarcasm.
I swing down and waited a little bit until they got into action.
Peter punched a few guys but then one dude pulls out this weird gun thing.
It starts to like lift Peter and so I decide to jump in and help.
I walk in and punch a few guys that try to get up.
"Yo it's the Avengers. You know, you guys really let yourselves go. You don't look to well." I say as I web one dude's arms to the ground.
I then kick "Captain America" who was holding the gun, in the back of the head making him drop the gun and Peter.
"Wow what is that thing?" Peter asked.
I sensed a dude behind me and decided to try out one of the new moves I had just learned.
I grabbed his arm flipped him over my shoulder and made him go straight into the ground. I hear him groan and I web up his torso.
"That looked so cool!" Peter said to me.
"I felt cool." I say under my breath.
Without me noticing, "Captain America" got up and used the gun thing on Peter again.
"I'm starting - to think - your not- the Avengers!" Peter voice says in a weird way.
Peter then stuck his hand to the floor to steady himself and I went behind the dude and kicked him in the back. He fell and dropped the gun again.
"No dip Spidey." I say.
We then see all four guys get up and start to attack.
"How did you guys get out of the webs?" I asked confused.
"They have high tech stuff Arachnid." Peter said. I shrugged my shoulders and then tripped a dude and punched him in the face.
Peter webbed the dude with the gravity kind of gun and I turn back and see "Hulk" charging up another high tech gun.
My eyes widen "No!" I yell.
The purple ray then flys everywhere. It cuts the building and everything sets fire.
There's black smoke and I can't see much. I'm then picked up by the gravity gun thing and thrown outside. I spin in the air and then my back hits a lamp post.
"Oof! Ouch." I say with a groan. I then hear foot steps and sirens. I look up and see Spider-Man/ Peter.
"Are you Okay?" Peter asks as he takes my hand and pulls me up.
"I will be. Let's go." I say. I was about to web off but Peter grabs me.
"Your hurt. I'm taking you." Peter states. I nod and we swing off.

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