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A month has passed. Regina has moved to New York. Grace decided to come with her and started a whole new company there. She is already huge since Regina is such a big model. They are back to normal like nothing happened. Emma done lots of concerts already and has so many more. The girls are happy as a couple. Regina was at work today while Emma was at the studio. Regina walked in and smiled at grace.

"Hey beautiful. How are you and the gorgeous Emma" the photographer asked while pulling the model into her arms.

"Were good. I just don't see her as much at the moment. She is always at work or concerts and if she's not she's tired" Regina softly said trying not to sound mopey.

"Have you told her or talked to her about it" grace asked curiously about the couple.

"No because it's nothing big but I just feel a little lonely that's all. I sit at home in that big house that doesn't even feel like my house and do nothing. At least in LA I had people to see and she was around more" Regina replied slouching into a chair with a sigh.

"Talk to her about it. Maybe she doesn't even notice since she's so busy. You forget she moved here and made all these concerts to keep her busy so she didn't think of you" grace reminds softly as she sat backwards on a chair opposite the model.

"I know that's why I won't say anything. I feel bad. It doesn't matter. We should just get on with the shoot" Regina said standing up and letting out a breath she didn't know she had. She took her coat off revealing a tight black dress grace gave her. "How does this look"

"Hot. Now get in front of the camera" grace quickly answered knowing the conversation was over.

Regina walked over and sat on a white sofa. She put her feet up next to her and led down in a position she knew would make her look good.

"How's this" Regina asked glancing across at her.

"Perfect. Now give me face" grace orders as she starts taking photos. Regina changed her face and position a little each time she saw the flash. "Gorgeous Regina. The camera loves you. Give it some love back" grace cheered as she took multiple photos. The words made Regina think. She sat up and looked down with her thinking face. Grace stopped since she noticed. "What's going on"

"I... I just... I need a minute" Regina replied as she stood up and walked out of the large hall.

She went to the bathroom down the corridor. The brunette went to the mirror and looked at it upset. She missed Emma. When she said she barely saw her it was an understatement. Emma was at a concert almost every night and during the day she was at the music studio. If she if she wasn't there she would be knackered from the day and just sleep.

"You miss her don't you" grace asked from the doorway.

"Lots. I don't know what's gotten over me. I have went ages without seeing her and it hasn't effected me like this before. Why all of a sudden am I like this" Regina asked annoyed at herself as she stayed looking in the mirror.

"Because you finally got her all to yourself and she's not there" grace replied as she walked over feeling sorry for her friend.

"Was it a mistake? Maybe we're better of as best friends" Regina sighed while looking down so she wasn't looking at herself.

"Ow Regina don't you see? I'm your best friend. I have been since we met. Emma isn't. She's your true love. Now get your ass out my building and to your girlfriends studio. Go tell her" grace demands as she stood her ground and made her point.

Regina thought about it. She pushed off the side and hugged Grace quickly before walking out the toilets. She left the building and to her car. The whole journey she was thinking of what to say. She didn't want to sound spoilt or needed by she did need Emma back. Once at the huge studio Regina quickly went into the building and to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Emma Swan" she said softly to the woman at the desk.

"You go in the elevator over there and to her top floor. Do you know what I'm saying" the annoying 19 year old woman replied with an annoying voice.

"Well yes I speak English and I'm awake" Regina replied a little confused at her.

"Once there it's the last door. Do you know what I'm saying" she replied in the same annoying voice with a cocky look.

"Yes I do but I appreciate you keep checking" Regina mocked as she pretended to humour her.

"Once there just knock the door and go in. Do you know what I'm saying" the girl asked now smiling at her.

"Alright I'll do that. Do you know what I'm saying" Regina asked trying not to laugh and keep her fake image she just put on.

"Yeah I do. Laters mate" the girl waved before looking at her laptop.

Regina went to the elevator and pushed the button. She stepped in and waited for the doors to close. Once they did she burst out laughing. She couldn't believe the way that girl talked. She finally got to the top floor and went to the room the girl told her to. She knocked and waited.

"Come in" a girl softly said in a deep husky voice almost the same as Regina's.

The brunette model walked in and saw a tall dark haired woman sat in a seat by a desk with music equipment. She was in a tight pair of jeans and a black top. Her hair was short and straight. She was skinny but curvy. She was very beautiful. Regina didn't like the look of her. She felt intimidated. Before she could speak Emma walked in from another door leading to the bathroom.

"Roxy should we- ow Gina. What are you doing here" Emma asked shocked to see her girlfriend there.

"I came to see you. Can we talk"

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