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I run. That's all I can do. My feet hitting stones and leaves as I sprint to save myself and the others. My breathing is getting faster and heavier. I don't how long I have been running but I want to stop. My legs are bruised and sore from jumping over branches and logs. I look over my shoulder and see nothing but trees. I sigh in relief and I stop running and place my hands on my knees, trying to control my breathing. I let at tear fall as I think about how broken Dustin was. I look ahead and see Castle Byers in the distance. I sigh again, running towards it.

As I reach Castle Byers I see it is all broken and torn apart. I pick up a piece of timber which has the words, 'CASTLE BYERS' spray-painted onto it. I drop it and look over my shoulder and I see the Byers House. I use all the energy left in me to run up to the house.

I knock on the door, resting my hands on my knees. The door immediately opens and I see a tired figure standing there. My eyes swell up seeing Will with heavy, red eyes and a pale face.

"Y/N?" Will said weakly. I gave him a soft smile and nod my head.

"Y/N." Will repeated, giving me a smile and lifting me up. I hug him as he wraps his arms around my waist. I cry and I look up and see the rest of the group standing in the lounge room, smiling. Joyce smiled as she let a single tear fall.

I bring my head out of his neck and force his lips onto mine. He holds me tighter as we kiss. He breaks the kiss and he smiles, letting a tear fall down his cheek. I smile and I hold onto his hand. We walk into the house and I run up to Joyce.

I hug Joyce and we both start to sob. Jonathan comes up from behind Joyce and hugs her. Max joins in on the hug and by the end of it, we were all in a group hug, tears in our eyes.

"How long was I gone for?" I softly ask.

"Five days," Joyce whispers. I let go of Joyce and everyone let's go of each other.

"Five days?" I repeat. I thought I was gone for a few hours or a day. She nods her head and we both look at Will who was getting a glass of water from the tap. "How was he?" I ask.

"He hardly slept, hardly ate. All he did was sit at the door, waiting for you to come home." Everyone walked away and left Will and me in the same room. "We will be outside." She closed the back door and I smiled as everyone sat on the veranda outside.

I walked up to Will who was leaning against the bench. As I get closer to him I hug him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine. We stayed like that for a few seconds.

"I saw Dustin," I whispered. Will took his head off mine and looked at me.


"At the lab, I got tests done to me and in the cage, I saw him. Dustin." My eyes burn at the thought of him being trapped in there. Will lets go of my waist and rushes to his room. I follow him and open up his door a little more to see him putting a big gym bag over his shoulder.

"What's this?" I giggle.

"When you were away we all put together a bag which had everything we needed to take down the Russians. But now we are going to save Dustin."

Will and I walk outside and I slam the door behind me, causing everyone to look at us both. Joyce stands up and gives a confused look to Will, wondering why he was holding the emergency bag.

"Dustin is at the lab."

Steve stood up instantly and started to walk out to the car, no one dared to stop him.

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