•castle byers•

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~A mOnTh LatEr~

It has been a month since they officially destroyed the lab and the secret Russian hideout. Joyce called the police and they investigated the scene and got the builders to tear it all down. Jonathan took Dustin, Lucas and Max home, Dustin reuniting with his Mom.

Dustin is in better shape now, he is back to his healthy and happy self. Will and Dustin have worked things out and they are friends again. El has gotten her powers back but she still isn't as strong as she used to be. We both practise our powers together sometimes.

Max, El and I are starting to have more sleepovers again, building our friendship even stronger. The whole entire party have had a few sleepovers over the month, just to continue our growing friendship.

It was the summer holiday, so Will and I decided to go out to Castle Byers and just hang out.


"Oh my god, you are a dork."

Will looks up from his comic book and smiles at me. Will and I are sitting in Castle Byers, sitting on both sides of the mattress, Will reading a comic book and I am sketching him. Will destroyed Castle Byers in anger and guilt when I disappeared at the lab however over the month I was home, we built it up again.

We added more room though, put in new things, made it more designed for us. Castle Byers had little battery operation fairy lights hanging across the ceiling and a soft mattress on the floor, drowned in pillows and blankets. There was a wooden box next to the mattress, a clock and little statues on top of it. There were photos of Will and I taped to the walls of the fort.

As I was trying to sketch Will, he kept moving, making it uneasy for me to draw his figure. I put my pen and paper down and Will looks up at me. I climb over to the mattress and Will puts down his comic book and smiles as I crawl over to him.

I take a pillow from the bed and hit Will with it. Will laughs as I straddle him, continuing to hit him with the cushion. He covers his face with his hand and I laugh along with him. I didn't notice that Will grabbed a pillow next to him until he hit me with it.

I fell back and laid down on the mattress, giggling as Will climbed on top of me. I put the pillow down as I looked into his soft brown eyes. I gently bit my lip as he put the pillow next to me as well. The room was silent, just like the rest of the world. It's like it was only Will and me, nobody else.

The little fairy lights were sparkling as the summer sunlight lit up the room. It was like a romantic movie and I was living it. The little birds chirped over our breathing. As he puts his hands on both sides of the bed, he leaned in. He smiled as I giggled at his action and I slowly lifted my head.

As we start to close the small gap between us I smile and slowly close my eyes lids. I can feel his hot breath against mine and our lips were almost touching, almost closing the small gap between us. As he almost puts his lips against mine, he leans back a little and I smile.

He then comes back and places his lips against mine. I automatically wrap my hands around his neck and pull him in closer. He puts one of his hands on my waist while he is keeping himself up with his other arm.

I run my fingertips on his neck and he lets go of the kiss and smiles at me. I giggle at his cuteness and as I go to kiss him again, the sheet covering the entrance of Castle Byers flies open.

"Stop making out and come to the pool with us," Mike demands.

omg 1k! i love y'all so much. thank you all for adding this book to your reading lists and thank you so much for the comments and votes. you should go read my other book, "Love? five x reader"

also there is an update on my book "Insane" which asks you all what other books i should upload so go check that out and comment what book you want to see next. 

also if you have any requests or ideas for this book, please comment x 

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