14: My healer

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"My queen." I feel soft hands touch my arms. I groan. "Merriam please let me sleep." I turn over but my eyes shoot open when I hear a giggle. "But you have many things to do today my queen." I get up from the bed and face the maid who was not Merriam but a younger girl who seems to be about my age.

"Your not Merriam?" I watch the girl who can't seem to keep the smile off of her face as she opens the curtains and the sun floods the room. "The seamstress has made you all new gowns my queen." She says as she opens the closet full of new gowns. I feel the smile starting to creep on my face by just watching her.

"What is your name." I ask and she throws sky blue gown at me made of pure silk. It was definitely a beautiful dress. "Emma your majesty."

"Call me Adeline." She just smiles. "You are going to be late my queen. You must get dressed." She rushes me and pulls me out of bed. I have a feeling that me and Emma will get along just fine. "Do you know what had happened to Merriam?" I ask as she ties the back of the gown.

"The king had requested that you had a younger personal made, to make you more comfortable. I had heard that that he had sent her and a few others back to their kingdoms." I face her full of confusion. "They did not belong here?"

She shakes her head and goes over to the vanity and pulls out a wooden box. "No servant is really from the kingdom as most are human." I go to ask another question but she pulls out the most stunning tiara. It was very simple yet very beautiful. Almost like the crown I had worn in my dream.

"Beautiful, My queen." Emma says as I stare at my reflection. I smile at her from the mirror and then turn around. "Are you ready, the governess is awaiting you." My smile fades and I stare down at my knuckles, they've healed but it took a week of me hiding them. "My queen is everything alright."

My head snaps to hers and I frown. "I do not wish to see the governess." I say and sit back on the bed. "My queen the governess is very persistent, you must not be late."

I nod. "Will you walk with me, Emma." I hold my arm out and she hesitates at first but grabs on to me.


"Let go of her human!" The governess yell's from behind us. I turn around with a scowl on my face. Everyone in the castle had probably heard her. I tighten my grip on Emma and I could feel her shaken beneath me. When I do look down at Emma's hand I noticed something. A dainty copper ring with no jewels.

I have seen this before. But, where... 

"This maid should not be hooked to your arm!" I pull Emma closer and the governesses eyes go wide. "Emma is my personal maid and a very close friend of mine. I will do as I please." I give the governess a questioning look and she just glares down at me before turning around.

"Your majesty, I must get back to my duties." I give her a sweet smile and let go before following the governess down the hall.

I was at my wits end with my knuckles being bruised and bloodied. I could not only bare the pain for much longer but I did not know why I was enduring it for this long. She goes to wack my hand again before I quickly move it away.

"Governess must I remind you that I am not of your kind. I do not heal from these wounds you bestow upon me." I glare at her and she lets out an evil chuckle.

"You do not my Lady. I am very aware you are human." She hissed and my eyebrows furry with confusion. I didn't exactly what to do in the moment so I stand up from my chair and ball my frail hands into fist.

"I am your queen." I demand to the lanky women and her eyes glow yellow and her canines appear. "You are no queen yet. You have not become one with the king. We are animals. We can not be controlled from those who are weaker than us." It hits me with reality that words she spoke to be true. I am not officially a queen and I have not join the king in any matter, where it's before the gods or in the bed. But I feel as I proved myself to be far from weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05 ⏰

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