6: Maddox?

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Adeline's bedroom above

Sir James examines me as I sit up from the floor and looks at me up and down. He wasn't checking me out, he was inspecting me to see if I fit his standards. "Is everything alright sir James." It's as if I lost my voice as it comes out as a whisper.

"You look beautiful my queen and all of the maidens will be fairly jealous of you." I just blink, this is certainly not what I wanted, so I go to turn around until I'm pulled back when sir James grabs me and I'm clouded with the vision The beast carrying me. I tear my hand out of his grasp. "No time for questions my queen. We must get to the dinning hall. Everyone is awaiting to meet their new queen." I slowly nod and remember what Miriam told me.

I held my head up high and followed the sir James. "How many people will be there sir James?" I ask. "Please just call me James my queen, and every wolf in the kingdom my queen." I nod my head and swallow the lump in my throat.  "And please call me Adeline." I say but he just ignores me.

I start to hear the chattering of people and the smell of food fills my nostrils. "Adeline?" As if time had slowed, I turn around to see Maverick dressed like royalty and not as a warrior. I don't waste no time in lifting my dress and running towards him. I hear James calling out to me but I don't stop till my arms are wrapped around Mavericks neck.

I feel him still and I don't feel his arms around me. I let go and take a step back, frowning. "What's wrong Maverick? The beast said to put you in the dungeons. Are you hurt!?" Concern and worry floods my face as he just stares at me. "They said that you were the beasts brother. Why didn't you tell me?" I say breathing heavily. He was the only thing I had to home. The north was my home and he was always there when I needed him.

He provides a blank stare and ignores my question. When he goes to touch my hair I slap away his hand "Answer me Maverick!" I feel my voice deepen as authority rolls off my tongue and a surge of energy courses through my body.

Maverick falls to his knees and bows before me. I've never felt this before, this kind of power and my eyes burn but not of tears. I see my reflection in the window pane as my eyes once again glow lavender. I look back down at Maverick and I go to touch him but- "Adeline!" My name bounces off the walls that left the lips of non other than the beasts.

My palms grow sweaty and my chest tightens. The sound of my heart beating fills my ears and the walls feel as if their closing down on me. "Adeline...." My body starts to sway and a loud gasp leaves my lips as the feeling of hands melting into my skin again.

I see Mavericks eyes filled with worry and that his hands are the ones causing me pain. The beast he can make it go away. He makes the pain go away. I release myself from Maverick and try to locate the beast. My tears are like lava, melting my face. I hear the mighty growl that washes over me. I look up and my eyes meet those wonderful blue/green orbs.

A strange noise erupts from my throat as I run to the beast and jump on him, wrapping my limbs around him. The hot pain goes away as I feel his arms holding me in a tight embrace. A long loud moan passes my lips as my grip gets tighter and I snuggle my head in the crook of his neck. The vibration of his chest has my body shakes in pleasure. A feeling I don't want to feel. My conscience is locked inside and my body has taken over.

"Do you see this brother. How she runs to me and wraps herself around me. The smell of her arousal for me filling the air. Something you would've never gotten." I furrow my eyebrows together and slowly let go of the beast. My feet touch the ground but he still holds me tight starring at who I am guessing is Maverick.

I stare up at this beautiful creature. Why couldn't the beast be someone ugly. It would be easier to resist him but I've noticed that all wolves were attractive.

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