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I arrived to her and her face tells me that something was urgent.

"H-hey, what's the rush?" I ask.

"This letter, well, the envelope dropped first, but when I opened it the letter says,

'Dear Ashleen or Griffin,

We're currently on the zipline escaping this community and we couldn't find you anywhere and we assumed you're down there. We wrote this letter for the sole purpose of not getting caught, and if you're okay write back to me immediately.


Wolf' '

"Woah, the gang is safe. I thought we lost them." Ashleen said.

"Yeah, I know that, but how can we respond to him?" I asked.

"I can write a response on the back of the letter, just let me write it on your back." I suggested.

Ashleen nodded and turned to her back. I placed the letter flipped upside down.

"Do you have a pen or pencil?"

"Yeah, it's in my pocket." she answered and gave me a pen.

I wrote the letter out assuring him that Ashleen and I are okay and our current location. After quickly writing it out I gave it back to her making sure it's readable and made sense. My knuckles hurt and probably left tiny spots of pen smudge on part of my hand.

"Can I read it aloud?"

"Sure thing."

"Okay, your handwriting is a bit sloppy, but I can still read it. So, here's what your wrote,

'Dear Wolf,

This is Griffin and I wanna assure you, that me and Ashleen are fine. I'm currently recovering quickly from the fight at the security station if you wish to know am I feeling now. We're currently away from the zipline staton, well, halfway. Anyways, we now know you're safe and we are too.


Griffin '

"Are you ready to send it to him?"

"Yes, but how do we send it too him?"

Ashleen pulled out a glowing rectangle shape emitting a bright blue color.

"Don't worry, nobody knows I have a priceless piece of tech. Just slip it in and press the button and you're good to go."

"How did you get this?"

"Through some swift and stealth i gained a few years ago."

I followed the directions she gave me. I pressed the button and the light became brighter and brighter until it floated off my hand and disappeared in a flash.

"Woah, that's so cool." I said in amazement.

"Well, guess we wait until they come down or reply to us." she said.

Alpha: Book One of The Alpha Trilogy ✔️Where stories live. Discover now