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Serena is looking at me, smiling. For a moment, seeing her with that giant plush of an "alien" made me feel a sense of happiness. It's not like I have feelings for her or anything. It's just nice to see her so happy, especially after what happened last night. Serena and I break off from the group and get some human food which she calls "Corndogs." I'm starting to see the appeal behind this whole "eating thing." She then looked to me, quite serious "Can I ask you something? Do you know those two gems? The ones who attacked me last night." She looked quite disturbed "And why were they attacking me. The other gems I've met, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst, they were nice." This was a difficult question. I didn't want to scare her. "Let's just say, not all gems are on board with the idea of humans living on this planet." In fact, I was almost one of them.


2 years ago. Many of us had emerged from Rose's fountain, fully uncorrupted by the diamonds. It was then that White, Yellow, and Blue made an announcement. "Today we really mark the beginning of Era 3" Blue started. "This shall be the defining moment of this new Era" Yellow continued. "The Earth shall be home to Pink- I mean Steven and the many humans of this planet, as we begin the alliance of Homeworld and Earth" White finished. Many crystal gems applauded, but then out of nowhere there was a loud piercing scream "NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS! WHAT ABOUT THE COLONY?" The scream came from an Aquamarine, accompanied by a Carnelian. Instantly, I recognized them. I had fought alongside them against the crystal gems. Carnelian and I were the only two normal gems in the Beta kindergarten. Since things were getting desperate, Aquamarine was our commander. "These so called "humans" serve no purpose alive. They're better off dead for the production of gems" Carnelian backed up Aquamarine. A few gems began siding with the two. Aquamarine then saw and recognized me "Jasper, join us and together we shall reject this alliance and finish the Earth colony." I was about to join them when I felt something grab by hand. It was the Quartz boy, no my diamond. He was looking at me pleading "Jasper, don't." I considered this for a moment. "Well" Aquamarine broke my thought "Are you with us?" "No" I spoke "My diamond is against the completion of this colony, and I'm sticking with my diamond." And that was that. I was a crystal gem.

My Human, My Jasper (Jasper x OC)Where stories live. Discover now